Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools Day & an "educational" link

I'm not a big prankster.  And I really don't like surprises.  So I'm hoping for a nice, quiet, uneventful day. 

Some things to note for today and tomorrow and whenever else:

Dawn is bringing me the T-Shirts I ordered today.  I can't wait to see them!!  One for me, one for my mom.  It has our school's lazy T on it, with "lady devils" under the "T"...  and on the sleeves it has GK (for Goal Keeper) and Christen's school jersey #: 14.  Just a bit o' bragging.  AND we can wear them during softball too. 

It's soccer time tonight!  The last time they played this team is when Christen got hurt and had to sit out for 2 weeks.  So I'm praying that no one gets hurt tonight and I'm praying that sportsmanship and teamwork is abundant!

Christen's cheering section has the possiblity of being the biggest ever.  So far...  these are the family/friends that may be in the stands for Christen tonight: Me, Jon, Sonya, David, Alison, Cam-Cam, Erin, Renee, Clint.  Wow...  that's a lot.  I'm hoping they can all make it.  My Mom normally comes, but she's out of town this weekend. 

I'm going to start practicing how to make fabric flowers for the Bridal Shower I'm hosting in 3 weeks. (YIKES!!!!  3 WEEKS AWAY!!)  Sorry..  just realized how close it is....

Picture time at church tomorrow for the NEW Church Directory.  I've been going to my Church since about 2005 and I think at that time, the latest directory was about 5yrs old (actually, I went there as a little girl too).  So that tells you we are in desperate need of an updated directory. 

(picture taken from the Church Secretary's FB)

And I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that's not fond of having their picture taken.  To me.... it's just...  when I see myself in the mirror and then see a picture, it's just not the same!  When I see a picture of myself, I think... who IS that??  And why is her face so HUGE??  I have always had these chubby cheeks, even more so now!  But, I have found a way around it.  I don't show a "full smile".  You know....  w/ teeth showing and all.  I'm fine w/ that.  This smile doesn't emphasize my gi-normous cheeks but I'm still smiling.  The problem? 

When people take my picture, they say: SMILE!!!!  Come on, show your teeth!!  COME ON... THAT'S not a SMILE!! 

To me, a big deal is made b/c I'm not smiling they way THEY want me to smile.    Ummm..  no thanks.  This picture will be in the directory for the next 10yrs and I'd rather it be something I'm comfortable with.  Know what I mean?  I know... I know... I should not be worried about how I look, it's in the lines of being vain, but really I'm not.  I just want a decent picture of me for the church directory.  I don't think that's a lot to ask for.   

 See what I mean?  I'm holding a CUTE baby (who, by the way, is obviously NOT impressed w/ me), so I couldn't help but smile!!  And just look...  chubby cheeks (mine, not the baby's) and a double chin (again, mine, not the baby's). 

This picture taken just a couple of weeks after...  Of course, I'm not smiling like I should or will in the Church directory, but note there are no chubby cheeks or double chin. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and that no one fools you today.  But if you do have someone fool you today, I hope you have the chance and opportunity to fool them back.  :o)

Here's the "educational" link.  As you may know, I listen to KLove via my computer.  Today, in KLove's news, they told about a live webcam where you can possibly see little eaglets hatching.  It's live!  And the expected hatch date for the eaglets is today.  So, if you want to have a chance to see them.  Go HERE

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