Wednesday, May 4, 2011

You win some...

and you lose some.

the afternoon wasn't looking promising from the get-go

it rained poured stormed for about 30min before the game and again during the second half...

the girls held their own in the first half...  even getting in the first goal

but it didn't last

and emotions ran high

believe it or not, but East Coweta Co. fans are really rude

I mean, really.really.rude.

so that didn't help matters either....

one of things I pray about is for God to take control of my big ol', don't-know-when-to-shut-it, mouth....

when it came down to it, our girls just didn't work as a team, they started blaming each other and well...  nothing gets done when that happens. 

Christen had a melt down afterwards....  she wasn't alone...

She takes things personally and is very hard on herself....  and when my child is upset...  I take it personally...

not my finest hour.  insert *please Lord, continue to control my big ol', don't-know-how-to-shut-it, mouth*

But today is a new day. 

Yesterday stings, but it was yesterday...  it's done and over with.

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him." Jeremiah 17:7


shan said...

So true! We often run our mouths and regret it later...especially when it involves our children. I have to remind myself to set an example to my kids, but I'm sad to report, I fail miserably at times. =/

nic said...

i'm sorry for such a hard day, sweetie. but i do so love the praying photo...and i praise God with you for new days. i love how hope is ever just around the corner.

Rosalind said...

I have learned that I need to Keep the Lord's arm around my shoulder and his hand over my mouth... I haven't done very well lately.

Love the photos, sorry that you had a bad day, but it will get better.

Got my CD today, thanks sweetie :)

stephanie said...

I love the photos and the message along with them is so true. It really hits home.

Karen Hossink said...

"and when my child is upset... I take it personally..."
I understand this feeling so well!
I just want to get in there and make everything all better - help them change their perspective, etc. But it is usually out of my control. And I don't like that very much. *sigh*

So thankful for new days, full of new mercies!!!