Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pin-Ter-Vention Party Time!

Have you entered to win my Valentines Crafty Prize Pack Giveaway yet?  No??  Well, go enter HERE and come back here for the Pintervention Party.

Go on..  I'll wait!

Okay, now...

It's time to party Pinterest style!

Have you pinned and pinned and never really done anything but stare at your pins?  You need to stop pinning and start doing!  And join the pin-ter-vention party!

Steph and Nicole started and host this awesome party, and I hope you can join in.

I'm sure if you use the AWESOME photo editing site PicNik, you've heard that the site is closing down in April.  I know, I'm SO SAD, mainly because I really don't want to learn how to use PhotoShop AND because I just found out how to make printables using PickNik!

So I'm sharing this pin with you, so you can make your own printables, until PickNik closes down that is.

After that, if you find another way (that's not as complicated as PhotoShop) please share!

Here's the original pin:

Source: iammommahearmeroar.net via Jodi on Pinterest

I won't go into all the instructions, you can click on the picture above to get all those.

I've been using some of the printables I've created on a couple of my posts.  And here's the one I've made for Valentines day:

If you couldn't tell..  I love this color scheme.

I guess you could print it from picnik, but I prefer to print it from my computer, it just comes out better.

And guess what?  If you want this print, all you gotta do is click on it and save it.  If you do though, I do ask that you link back to this post if you have a blog.

You can frame it, put on your fridge, whatever you want to do!  And you can make it any size.  Coasters are coming to my mind...  yep, coasters...

I didn't have a frame to fit this printable, so I winged it.

That should be what I named my blog: "Jodi and how she wings everything"

I love it when that happens though because, I don't know about you, but when the plans are out the window and creativity takes over...  that's just divine.

I love it.

So...  as I was saying, I winged it.

I had a botched painting on canvas that I just couldn't save, so I ripped the cavas off, painted the wood frame a couple of times with white acrylic paint, grabbed some twine and this is what happened:

I'm pretty pleased,

And I'm so thankful for Steph and Nicole for hosting these Pin-Ter-Vention Parties, it really pushes me (in a good way) to get up and do something.

So, what are you waiting for??

Stop pinning and start doing!

(after you enter my Valentine Crafty Prize Pack Giveaway of course)

I'll also be linking up at these great parties this week:
lil luna link party button


Hey! It’s Okay! « Under The Georgia Sun said...

[...] I’m double dipping.  I’m blogging about a Pin-Ter-Vention where I show you how to make awesome printable like [...]

nicole said...

cute. and, i too... am soooo sad that picnik is shutting down. i LOVE that site :(

i did {bbbahahhaha how fitting} pin something that showed some alternatives to picnik.


i havent checked them out yet... but might be worth looking into ;)

Jodi Evans said...

I just repinned your pin! thank you!! :)

steph said...

hey that's adorable!!

Jodi Evans said...

thanks Steph!!

Pam said...

That turned out so cute! I am so sad too about Picnik closing. Such a fun site to lose. BTW, my daughter is SO much better about actually completing projects she pins than I am. And, THANK YOU so much for the prayers for my recovery! I am doing really well now. (Also, thank you for the sweet comments about our little Sunny. How funny that you almost got a little one, and then got your big guys. Love your BIG dogs too!)

Virginia Davidson said...

Cute! I love those colors together too ;)

Jodi Evans said...

Thanks!! And Thank you for stopping by! :)

Jodi Evans said...

I'm so glad you're doing better! will continue to keep you in my prayers. :)