Don't worry, I'll wait.
Today, I'm double dipping. I'm blogging about a Pin-Ter-Vention where I show you how to make awesome printable like this:
Well, I don't really show you how to do it. I do give you the link with the instructions though. Click HERE for the printable info.
AND, I'm blogging about what I'm Okay about this week.
Amber, the Whispering Writer at Airing My Dirty Laundry has a linky party every Tuesday. To join in, link up what you’re okay about this week.
This week, It’s Okay:
To turn off my phone notifications for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and email. Really, I don't have to know anything from these apps in real time. I'm perfectly happy with finding stuff out when I log on. That being said, if you need me quick, text me.
To still be reading "21 pounds in 21 days"...
To be super excited about the tshirts I made to wear at Christen's high school soccer games. Yes, I'm THAT Soccer mom. I can't help it, I'm proud of her and I want everyone to know she's my daughter. I'll be sharing pics of the tshirts soon.
To talk baby talk to my dogs. Yes, I'm THAT person too. Don't worry, I try not to do it in public or in front of anyone who isn't family. I don't want to freak people out.
To download just about every free song KLove has. This week it's "Forever Reign" by One Sonic Society. Go HERE to get it for free too.
To remind you about Plum Districts awesome deal on Silhouette SD/Cameo stuff. Click HERE to snag your deal!
To be really bummed about Etta James passing away this week. I love hearing her sing.
To shamelessly plug my Valentine Crafty Prize Pack Giveaway, again. Go HERE to enter to win!
To ask for prayers for my Mother In Law, Brenda. She was diagnosed with cancer this week. Thankfully, the dr thinks they caught it early. She'll have radiation to shrink it and then surgery to remove it. She's a nurse, she knows all the wonderful things that can come of this and the things that could go wrong. Please pray for complete healing and peace for her and wisdom and skill for her doctors.
Alrighty, your turn! Go see what everyone else is okay about, and while you're at it, link up what you're okay about this week!

I talk to my dog like she is a person, ask her questions, tell her about my day, really to anyone who doesn't know me they might think I am a crazy dog lady...really I'm not I know she is not going to answer...however I bet she would have a few good answers to my questions! Good List!
I will go check out your giveaway!!
Prayers and hugs going out to your mother in law. She will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I didn't realize KLove gave away free songs! Thanks!
I am thinking about turning off my FB notifications, too. I've already stopped the others. And I am that person having entire conversations with my dogs, too. I don't worry about the embarassment factor, though. I will have conversations with other people's dogs, too.
I love that your made tee-shirts for Christen’s soccer game! You're the fun mom everyone wants to have. Sending prayers for your m-i-l.
You're welcome! I think they post a new song every week! :)
Thank you so much! That means so much to me. :)
Thanks Amber!
I love meeting other people who talk to their dogs! Makes me feel a bit normal. :)
Thank you!! (tell that to my daughter who I made take out the trash this morning, she may not think I'm a fun Mom right now, haha!) Thank you so much for the prayers. That means a lot to me!
haha!! You are brave! I will talk to other people's dogs, but only if I know them... may be I should branch out?? ;)
It's all okay! Everything!
A lovely list and a cool concept! :-)
Newest follower
Thank you!! :)
I love this "It's Okay" thing. What fun!
I'm OK with letting my daughter's rats play on the kitchen counter - as long as she cleans up after them. *ahem!*
I don't talk baby-talk to my dog, but I do speak to her just like I do to human beings. As if she can understand.... *whatever* It's OK.
praying for your mom-in-law, for healing, strength, peace, and for God's glory to continue to be made known in her life.
ps can't wait to see the t-shirts! you rock, mama.
I'm still tripping out over the rats! ;)
And yes, it's OK to talk to our dogs!
Thank you Nic!! Those prayers mean so much!!
I posted a pic today of the tshirt, in my InstaFriday post! :)
At least you aren't tripping OVER the rats. ;)
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