This week, it's Okay:
to already be wishing my week away so the weekend will get here.
to have had such a great time with my giveaway, I think I want to make it a seasonal deal.
to have jitters about new opportunities that are coming my way.
to trust in God that He is taking care of everything and I just have to follow His plan and not my own.
to be excited about going self hosted soon!!! I really hope I do it right, I don't want to lose any of you awesome readers!
to be long over due to get my eye brows waxed. I really do need to get that taken care of soon though...
to be like.. what Super Bowl?? And seriously, I'm only interested in the commercials. I don't really care for either team.
to really LOVE the new Ferris Bueller Super Bowl Commercial:
to end this It's Okay segment with a picture:
Praying I'm on the path God set out for me. Which way are you going??
Hope everyone has a blessed day!
Go check out what every one else is okay about! :)
I love this post that you do, it reminds me to let the little things go - like I also have no interest whatsoever in the Superbowl. I don't care for sports at all and am usually talked into hosting a Superbowl party every year! My husband will be out of town that weekend, so I am free and clear to watch whatever I want on TV that day! Score!!
I've heard everyone chattering about the Matthew B. ad, but I hadn't seen it yet. Thanks for posting it--I now feel like I'm in the know. ;)
This week I say it's OK if I need to work less because I'm not feeling well. Phew! It's a relief to give myself permission to do that.
I am so happy that I am not the only one long over for some eye brow love! Great list I love the one where you remind people that God is the one with the plan!
I'm long overdue on getting my eyebrows done too!
Love the one with God's plan with your life is okay. If more people accept that, there would less heartache and confusion.
I am sooooo totally wishing my week away so the weekend gets here, too. I'm going to Texas to meet two long-time blog/Facebook friends. Can.not.wait!
And thanks for posting the commercial. Doubting I'll be watching the commercials, er, I mean the Super Bowl this weekend, as I'll be with Edie and Angela. So at least I can still say I saw it!
Thanks again for another fun "Hey! It's Okay!"
I say, that when you don't feel well, it's your body telling you to rest. Hope you got your rest!! :)
You're welcome! As someone who is rarely "in the know" this comment made my day! :)
Yay for not being the only one who could care less about the Superbowl! :)
Have a great weekend, we can all use a little "me" time!
Thank you and AMEN to the AMEN!! :)
yay, that makes three of us now! so glad we're not alone. :)
Thank you!! I'm just glad I'm not the one coming up with the plans. I'd screw everything up. ;)
yay!! Girl weekend getaway!!! I just know y'all are gonna have a lot of fun! :)
I love that commercial. Hilarious!
I know!! My whole family loves Ferris Bueller, so we were loving that commercial too. :)
I Love this post; so many good points; I have to remember not to beat myself up; it is so challenging sometimes
We are our worst critics for sure. I think it's great to set high standards for ourselves, but we need some grace too. (actually, I need A LOT of grace) ;)
Just wanted to tell you, I'm so proud of have come along way since I met you some 17-18 years ago... : )))))
Thank you Vicki!!!! LOVE YOU! Check your email for Christen's soccer schedule. :)
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