Friday, November 18, 2011


I'm linking up with Jeanette again from Life Rearranged to show you my week in pictures via my iPhone.

I hope you will too!

I went home for lunch on Friday, and look what Mr. Snowman had waiting for me!  :o)
Even though I'm technically an "AFTER" Thanksgiving person as far as decorating for Christmas,
Mr. Snowman has weathered Spring, Summer and Fall this year. 
He's such a trooper!

And guess who left their keys in the door overnight??
I didn't get onto her.  Goodness knows I've done it before!

In case you couldn't tell, this is what was in the box Mr. Snowman had for me.  I have SO loved having this little notebook. 
This little sucker, along with my iPhone, is keeping me totally organized... 
now if I could just get my house organized...

Brandi is so loving...  most of the time... 

BDay Present for my 3yr old cousin!!  PJs!!  Don't worry, I got him something fun too. 
A cool tball set.  Yes, he loves me.  :o)

And here's the Birthday Boy!  Cam-Cam!! 
His Momma got him that awesome Radio Flyer Tricycle. 
I love Radio Flyer. 

Can't get much cuter than that. 

Rainbow Cupcakes for the Petra Choir.  I didn't get a picture of the finished product. 
I was running super late. 

Down time w/ Da' Beckhams. 

Views of the sky this week... 
the first one as I drove into the HS Parking Lot to attend the Soccer Booster Meeting. 
And the second one taken Thursday morning. 
The clouds finally breaking and the sun powering right through. 

This is what happens when you call Beckham. 
He comes running, full force and he leaps through the air, so happy to be where ever you are. 
This is how it should be when our Father calls us. 
To drop whatever we're doing and run, full force to Him. 
Just to be happy because we are where He is. 
Crazy that such a cute picture will make me think of that. 
Crazy that I should think it's crazy! ha!

Okay... Your turn... Go link up! I want to see what you've been up to.

What kinds of memories did you capture this week on your camera phone??

life rearranged

Oh!  and don't forget to

Get your pin-ter-vention going on this weekend and link up with Stephanie at The McCalls
on Tuesday, November 22 to share what you created...  copied...  whatever!!

41. for a Father who is forgiving and faithful
42. Christen
43. my bestest friend
44. hot coffee with mocha
45. cooler weather


stephanie said...

super cute!! I love your little snowman!! my Erin Condren planner and iPhone keep me organized too :)

Janene said...

Love Erin Condren stuff!!! My daughter has a nightly ritual of tucking them in too--it is sweet most nights--except the times her baby sister is already asleep and she is causing a commotion to get things "just right" in bed--The peak of our house had lights on all it is almost the season: ) have a great Friday and thanks for stopping by!

Karen Hossink said...

That's what I call, "Saving the best for last".
What a great picture - and even better thought to go with it! I love it when God speaks through ordinary things, like a picture of a running dog. :o)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Bart, Erin, Hunter, Jorden and a couple of crazy dogs said...

I LOVE that last picture of him leaping!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I love that last picture!!! What a great photo! And how sweet to get such a fun gift.

That birthday boy is adorable! :)

gianna said...

You should enter the picture of Beckham in some sort of a contest! I love it! It makes my heart jump!

Holly said...

love your pics as always- I have an iPhone on order- although I am very nervous about learning it, I can't wait for instagram pics!

Holly said...

I LOVE that last photo! He looks like he's levitating!

Shell said...

Your dog looks like he's flying!