Last night one of his series was on and I caught the end of it. It spoke right to me. God knew I needed it and He delivered for sure. I was so disappointed though because I only got to hear the end. But! Chip came back on and said it was all available online and the WHOLE SERIES could be downloaded for FREE for a short amount of time. Yay me!
And I can't keep good things like this to myself. So, head on over to Living on the Edge and check out the current series: "When Life's Not Fair". You can listen online or download it for free for a limited time.
I have NOT been compensated at all for this. I just wanted to share the GOOD NEWS!
Because I know for a fact, all of us have felt and one time or another that life is NOT FAIR! Well duh, it's because it's not fair. But as Christians, we have an even higher standard to set which means even harder falls at times. Thankfully we have our Jesus.
So, head on over, download it for later or listen to it now. There are 6 parts, but don't let that overwhelm you.
Praying everyone out there has a wonderful day!!
picture from
21. Christian radio shows that speak to me
22. my Dad, again
23. health insurance
24. a job.. even though I don't love it, it keeps the bills paid
25. technology, even though I don't understand it at times, it keeps me connected to the ones I love
Thanks for the tip. I grew up with 8 siblings and I think 'it's not fair' was definitely overused by all of us kids.
OK. Hold on a minute. How is it that you have no access to the radio in the evenings? Is someone not sharing with you???
Oh, and regarding Thankful Thing #25 - I love being connected, too. Even with people I love whom I have never met. (Like you. *wink*)
exactly what I needed to hear- thanks for the link!
I heard this series on the radio too! It is AWESOME perspective -- it impacted me greatly!
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