And don't forget to thank a Veteran today. We are able to have our freedom because of the grace of God and the sacrifices of the men and women of our armed forces, past and present. So go ahead, thank a Vet, hug a Vet and if you're married to one, kiss a Vet. Of course, you can kiss a Vet if he/she is your Dad/Mom, Grandpa/Grandma, Uncle/Aunt... you get the picture.
I'm linking up with Jeanette again from Life Rearranged to show you my week in pictures. I hope you will too!
Last Friday night, we went to see "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown!" at Christen's school.
The drama club at her high school is so awesome.
This play is one of my favorites and they did it justice for sure!
Our friend's son played Shroeder. Love the skits with Lucy and Shroeder.
No week is complete without a shot of "sleepy Brandi". Poor thing. And poor readers too!
You think I post a lot of pictures of Brandi and Beckham now. Just wait until next year when Christen goes off to college.
It will be the Brandi and Beckham show for sure then! Promise me you won't leave me! ;o)
They really do love each other.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some nature.
But I really would love for this tree to be cut down, or trimmed or something.
They love hanging out with me while I get ready in the morning.
Brandi eyeballin' my sammich! No, I didn't give her any. I know, I'm so mean!
Woke up Thursday to a beautiful sunrise...
But I also woke up to a sick child. Brandi is doing her best to empathize.
She's doing a great job.
Okay! Your turn! I want to see what you've been up to.
What kinds of memories did you capture this week on your camera phone??
26. for a mother that will always help me when I need it
27. for a boss that let's me take off to take my daughter to the Dr. even though I know he really hates it
28. for wholesome Peanut's Characters and Charles Shultz for creating them of course
29. the bravery and selflessness of Veterans past and present, specifically: USS Arizona Seaman 1st Class Lewis Jackson Pike (my great uncle), and Jon, Pa Gibbs, Uncle Albert, Uncle Billy, Christen's Uncle Jackie, and my friend Stephen
30. cousins, especially a certain cute 3yr old cousin
Oh I love dogs! I wish I wasn't allergic--yours are so cute! I hope your daughter's feeling better.
love the picture of your honeys, and i wouldn't have shared that sandwich either. :)
i hope christen is faring better today. love to you, jodi.
What a beautiful sunrise!
My boys keep asking for a dog- maybe someday.
that sandwich looks delicious!! and I really really want a dog :) yours are so cute!!!
That sandwich looks really good! Yum!
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