Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hey, It's Okay!

I'm linking up with Amber at Airing My Dirty Laundry, One Sock at a Time and telling everyone what I'm Okay about this week.  Hope you can join us!!

This week, it's Okay:

to already be wishing my week away so the weekend will get here.

to have had such a great time with my giveaway, I think I want to make it a seasonal deal.

to have jitters about new opportunities that are coming my way.

to trust in God that He is taking care of everything and I just have to follow His plan and not my own.

to be excited about going self hosted soon!!!  I really hope I do it right, I don't want to lose any of you awesome readers!

to be long over due to get my eye brows waxed.  I really do need to get that taken care of soon though...

to be like..  what Super Bowl??  And seriously, I'm only interested in the commercials.  I don't really care for either team.

to really LOVE the new Ferris Bueller Super Bowl Commercial:


to end this It's Okay segment with a picture:

Praying I'm on the path God set out for me.  Which way are you going??

Hope everyone has a blessed day!

Go check out what every one else is okay about! :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Valentine Crafty Prize Pack Giveaway WINNER!!!

ohhhh!!  The time is here!!!  I'm so excited to be giving this prize pack away!!!

And just as a reminder, here is what the awesome winner gets:

Mini Love Valentine Bunting

Hand painted "love" pendant necklace

Four Valentiney Coasters

Rainbow Valentiney Yarn Wreath

I used the random number generator, but unfortunately, that widget won't show up, so you're just gonna have to take my word for it.

54 comments were made and the randome generator picked THIS comment as the winner:


"Of course, I’d *love* to win this package! True AWESOMENESS!!!"

And the lovely winner who made this comment is: Renee "Nay" Soriao! 

Yay Nay!  ;)

So!  Congrats!!

I'll be sending you an email soon to get your address so I can mail your prize pack to you!

I had so much fun with this giveaway, I may make this a seasonal deal.  What do y'all think??

Beckham says congrats to Nay and wishes everyone a great weekend!!

Friday, January 27, 2012


First things first, if you haven’t already, go enter my giveaway HERE!!  

I know you want to, it's a whole prize pack of Valentiney stuff...

Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Okay, your back now?  Awesome!

I'm linking up with Jeanette from Life Rearranged again to share my moments of the week via iPhone pics.  I'd love if you linked up too!  They can be from any kind of cell phone, just as long as they are cell phone pics.

And here's a look into my week!

Brandi girl can give the funniest looks.  I can't remember what kind of commotion was going on down the hall, but it sure surprised her.

This one of the tshirts I made to wear at Christen's soccer games this season.  I made one for me, Jon and my Mom.  I'm going to make one for my grandmother too, and my MIL, but I need more tshirts.  Of course, I used my silhouette cameo to make the heat transfer!  LOVE IT!!

We got the email Thursday that her official "signing" papers have been mailed out for her to sign for college.  Ugh.  I'm so happy for her, but I can't lie, I teared up and I'm tearing up now thinking of it.

My Beckham boy is SO proper!!  Crossing his paws while he drools on my shoes.  Classic.

They are NOT allowed in the kitchen...

when Jon is around.

On our way to church, my niece Jessica pointed out the sunset and stated: "Aunt Jodi, I know you want to take a picture! You take a picture of EVERYTHING!"

the kid has a great eye!  When we turned up the road, it looked as if we were headed straight into a fire.

"Hello, my name is Brandi and I'm very needy.  Put down your book and love me.  You can't resist the cuteness."

I'm ALMOST DONE with my 21lbs in 21 days book!!  I got my juicer the other day and my friend who introduced me to the detox is getting up a list of sources where I can purchase my supplements.  I'm excited and scare to do this, but I'm praying this will help me feel better! :)

The detox tells you to drink lots of green tea.  I.hate.tea.  (I know, I hate tea, seafood, and getting dirty.  my southern card will be revoked I'm afraid)

But I figured I better get started and try some different flavors.

I was hoping putting my tea in a Christmasy mug would help me.  I can't believe it, but I actually liked the tea.  As in, when I was done, I wanted more.  SCORE!  I like green tea.  Yay me!

This one really doesn't need much comment other than: mmmmmm....baaaconnnn

Jon got his day blades for his light saber.  The doggies approve.  Do you see the blur that is Beckham??

Brandi is the queen of sneaking onto your lap and then using your lap as her pillow.

How cute are these two!?!?  I'm gonna miss that face there on the right this coming up fall.

Alrighty!  I really hope you go and enter my giveaway if you haven't already.

And check out the linky parties too!  Have a great weekend!!

life rearranged

I'm also linking up with these awesome linky parties!

Happily Mother After

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Feed My Family Friday

Of course, first things first, if you haven't entered my Valentine Crafty Prize Pack Giveaway yet, what are your waiting for??  Go enter HERE, then come back for the spaghetti.

Go ahead...

Alrighty!  So glad you're back!

Becky over at Farm Girl Paints started a new Friday linky party called: Feed My Family Friday.  (I know it's not Friday yet, but I really wanted to post today, so.. . there ya go) One of her New Year's Resolutions was to feed her family better.  Healthy meals is the goal here people.  So I'm linking up with Becky this week and showing you all the spaghetti I made last week.

I'm with Becky, I really don't like to cook.  And once all my supplements get in, for 21 days, I won't be cooking at all.  But since Jon was diagnosed with diabetes, he's been wanting to eat better and he is really doing a great job.

So when I DO cook, I TRY my best to whip up something he can eat too.

With that being said...  he won't eat my spaghetti. He's not a fan of pasta and even though I buy the diabetic friendly pasta, he still won't try it.

Oh well!

I got Christen to eat it the other day and she LOVED it.  Well, she LIKED it.

Hey, she ATE it!  ;o)

All I had to do was add meat for her like it.

Anytime you cook, you've got to make sure you have ALL your ingredients.

For this particular night, I used:

  • 6 cloves of garlic, minced

  • basil

  • EVOO

  • sea salt

  • pepper

  • 1.5lbs of ground turkey/lean beef mixture

  • 1lb can of the crushed tomatoes

  • 8oz jar of tomato sauce

  • parmesan cheese

  • pasta of your choice

  • baby spinach


First, you can never have too much garlic.  The fresher the better.


Chop those suckers up to however fine you want them.  Mince them, make them into a paste.  It's all up to you.


Then put them in your heated pan w/ EVOO (you can also add onions here, and I WOULD add onions here, but if I did, Christen wouldn't eat it).



If you really want to bring a little more flavor out, put some salt over it while it cooks too.  I really don't know how long to cook these garlic wonders, I just try not to burn them.



Then add your meat.  Season it w/ salt and pepper to taste and cook until no longer pink.  Get a nice seer on there too, gives it extra flavor.


While your meat is cooking through, put on your pasta.  I use this brand:



It's supposed to only give you 5 digest-able carbs.  So it's better for people with diabetes.  Again, Jon.won't.touch.it.  Oh well, his loss!  I really do love this pasta better than any other I've tried.  And WAY better than the whole wheat.


Since I'm cooking with extra lean meat and turkey, there's not much fat to drain thank goodness.


So, once your meat is cooked, it's time to add the whole can of crushed tomatos:



Use the whole can!  When I cook this spaghetti w/out meat, this, the garlic, evoo and italian spices are ALL I use.  That's it!  But since we're adding meat to the mix, we'll add tomato sauce at the end.


Then add your basil and more salt and pepper to taste.  (I normally don't use just basil, but I wanted a little lighter feel since I was adding meat)



Looking good!!


Once it simmers down a bit, you'll want to add the tomato sauce.  I like my sauce to BE saucey.


Again, I really don't know how to tell you how long to cook this for (oh, after the meat is done cooking and you add your other ingredients, you'll want to simmer on med heat).  Ideally, the sauce would simmer all day, but we don't do "ideally" in our kitchen.


And really, isn't spaghetti ALWAYS better the next day?


After you simmer the sauce/meat, get your pasta on your plate, put your spinach leaves on top of your pasta, then pour your meat sauce on top of the pasta and spinach.  And of course, then drown it all in parmesan and promptly forget to take a picture of how PRETTY it is.  Instead, mix it all up, THEN remember you wanted to take a picture:


Just keeping it real folks!



Hope you join in on the linky fun!  I'd love to see what you're feeding your family!



feed my family friday

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hey! It's Okay!

First things first, if you haven't already, go enter my giveaway HERE!!  

Don't worry, I'll wait.  

Today, I'm double dipping.  I'm blogging about a Pin-Ter-Vention where I show you how to make awesome printable like this:

Well,  I don't really show you how to do it.  I do give you the link with the instructions though.  Click HERE for the printable info.

AND, I'm blogging about what I'm Okay about this week.

Amber, the Whispering Writer at Airing My Dirty Laundry has a linky party every Tuesday.  To join in, link up what you’re okay about this week.

This week, It’s Okay:

To turn off my phone notifications for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and email.  Really, I don't have to know anything from these apps in real time.  I'm perfectly happy with finding stuff out when I log on.  That being said, if you need me quick, text me.

To still be reading "21 pounds in 21 days"...

To be super excited about the tshirts I made to wear at Christen's high school soccer games.  Yes, I'm THAT Soccer mom.  I can't help it, I'm proud of her and I want everyone to know she's my daughter.  I'll be sharing pics of the tshirts soon.

To talk baby talk to my dogs. Yes, I'm THAT person too.  Don't worry, I try not to do it in public or in front of anyone who isn't family.  I don't want to freak people out.

To download just about every free song KLove has.  This week it's "Forever Reign" by One Sonic Society.  Go HERE to get it for free too.

To remind you about Plum Districts awesome deal on Silhouette SD/Cameo stuff.  Click HERE to snag your deal!

To be really bummed about Etta James passing away this week.  I love hearing her sing.

To shamelessly plug my Valentine Crafty Prize Pack Giveaway, again.  Go HERE to enter to win!

To ask for prayers for my Mother In Law, Brenda.  She was diagnosed with cancer this week.  Thankfully, the dr thinks they caught it early.  She'll have radiation to shrink it and then surgery to remove it.  She's a nurse, she knows all the wonderful things that can come of this and the things that could go wrong.  Please pray for complete healing and peace for her and wisdom and skill for her doctors.

Alrighty, your turn!  Go see what everyone else is okay about, and while you're at it, link up what you're okay about this week!


Pin-Ter-Vention Party Time!

Have you entered to win my Valentines Crafty Prize Pack Giveaway yet?  No??  Well, go enter HERE and come back here for the Pintervention Party.

Go on..  I'll wait!

Okay, now...

It's time to party Pinterest style!

Have you pinned and pinned and never really done anything but stare at your pins?  You need to stop pinning and start doing!  And join the pin-ter-vention party!

Steph and Nicole started and host this awesome party, and I hope you can join in.

I'm sure if you use the AWESOME photo editing site PicNik, you've heard that the site is closing down in April.  I know, I'm SO SAD, mainly because I really don't want to learn how to use PhotoShop AND because I just found out how to make printables using PickNik!

So I'm sharing this pin with you, so you can make your own printables, until PickNik closes down that is.

After that, if you find another way (that's not as complicated as PhotoShop) please share!

Here's the original pin:

Source: iammommahearmeroar.net via Jodi on Pinterest

I won't go into all the instructions, you can click on the picture above to get all those.

I've been using some of the printables I've created on a couple of my posts.  And here's the one I've made for Valentines day:

If you couldn't tell..  I love this color scheme.

I guess you could print it from picnik, but I prefer to print it from my computer, it just comes out better.

And guess what?  If you want this print, all you gotta do is click on it and save it.  If you do though, I do ask that you link back to this post if you have a blog.

You can frame it, put on your fridge, whatever you want to do!  And you can make it any size.  Coasters are coming to my mind...  yep, coasters...

I didn't have a frame to fit this printable, so I winged it.

That should be what I named my blog: "Jodi and how she wings everything"

I love it when that happens though because, I don't know about you, but when the plans are out the window and creativity takes over...  that's just divine.

I love it.

So...  as I was saying, I winged it.

I had a botched painting on canvas that I just couldn't save, so I ripped the cavas off, painted the wood frame a couple of times with white acrylic paint, grabbed some twine and this is what happened:

I'm pretty pleased,

And I'm so thankful for Steph and Nicole for hosting these Pin-Ter-Vention Parties, it really pushes me (in a good way) to get up and do something.

So, what are you waiting for??

Stop pinning and start doing!

(after you enter my Valentine Crafty Prize Pack Giveaway of course)

I'll also be linking up at these great parties this week:
lil luna link party button

Monday, January 23, 2012

Valentine Crafty Prize Pack Giveaway!

I know...  it's Monday, but I'm about to make Monday FUN!

Oh yay!!

It's time to start the Valentine Crafty Prize Pack Giveaway!

I'm REALLY excited because I made ALL the items in this giveaway and I hope you LOVE them just like I do!!

I've been so overwhelmed by the traffic to my blog and my Facebook page, so I couldn't wait for the 100 Followers of my FB, I had to go ahead and do a giveaway.

So, without further adieu, check out what one awesome person will win!!

"Four Pack Valentiney Coasters"

"Hand painted Love Pendant Necklace"

"Mini-Love Bunting"

"Rainbow Valentine Yarn Wreath"

So, whaddaya have to do to win?

Well, you gotta comment!  And I'm giving you 5 chances to win!  You have to leave a separate comment for each entry.  Make sure to leave me a way to contact you!

1. Comment and tell me that you'd "love" to win this Valentine Crafty Prize Pack.

2. Go "like" my Facebook page (just scroll up) and comment here letting me know you "liked" my FB page.  If you already "like" my page, just leave me a comment stating so.

3. Follow me on Twitter and comment here letting me know you're now following me, and leave your twitter name!!  Look just under my FB box above and you'll see the "follow me on Twitter" box.  If you already follow me on Twitter, just leave me a comment stating so.

4. Spread the word on Facebook!  Share this blog entry link on facebook and come back here, leaving a comment stating you shared about the giveaway.  Please leave the link to your FB page where you shared it.

5. Tweet about the giveaway! You can use this wording and link: Come enter the Valentine Crafty Prize Pack Giveaway! http://t.co/f4wWMJ7o  After you've tweeted, come back here and leave a comment with the tweet link.  Make sure you've linked back to this blog post in your tweet.

Alrighty!!  Let's get this giveaway going!!  The giveaway will be open until Friday, January 27, 2012 at midnight, EST.  I hope to announce the winner on Monday, January 30, 2012, but I may announce as soon as Saturday, January 28th, 2012.

I pray everyone has a wonderful day!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Silhouette Deal at Plum District!!

I normally don't post on Saturdays but I had I let y'all in on a great deal!! Plum District has a great deal in Silhouette products! $30 for $50 worth of Silhouette stuff!! And if you enter the code: FABULOUS you get 10% off!! So that's $50 with of awesome products for only $27!!!!

Go here to get your savings:

And don't forget to come back Monday for the Valentine Crafty Prize Pack Giveaway!!!

Oh and bc I must post a pic with each entry, enjoy this pic of Brandi sneezing. Or tryin to be a pirate. Arrrrgh!!

Have a great weekend!!!


Friday, January 20, 2012

InstaFriday & The Giveaway is Upon Us!

It's Friday!!  You know what that means!!

Well, first, it's the weekend.  Yay!

and second, The Valentine's Crafty Prize Pack Giveaway has started!!!  I will try and announce the winner no later than Monday, January 30th.  (but I may be able to announce the winner during that weekend)  So, CLICK HERE TO ENTER.  Please!  You'll be glad you did.  :)

And last, but not least...  it's InstaFriday time!  Time to share my mobile photos of the week.  I'm linking up with Jeanette at Life Rearranged and some other cool ladies you'll see at the end of the post.

I hope you link up too and let me know you did!  I want to see your week via mobile photos!

All my photos were taken on my iPhone and all but one was filtered through Instagram (I'm underthegeorgiasun, come find me!).


Beckham is such a cuddle-bug.  He really is happiest when he literally right on top of you.

Jon finally got his cards!  He's famous now ya know.  B/c you have to be famous to be on a bubble gum card.  ;)

As most of you know, Jon LOVES Star Wars.  He's part of a group called "The Dark Empire".  Their mission statement is below.

And even though it's not my cup of tea, it makes Jon happy, so that's cool.

Jon even makes pretty much all of his costume.  He commissioned the leather work, but it was still done locally and by hand.  And you see his light saber?  He made that.  Not the light part, but the handle part.  And he's making another one too.

If you click above on the picture, it will take you to their website.

Christen is in love with crab rolls.  So much so, she'll go and purchase them.  I can't stand sea food and Jon really doesn't need to eat all that rice, so she's pretty much been on her own when she wants some.  Until now.  Jessica ate sushi for the first time eva!  And....

She liked it...  she really liked it.

So now Christen has someone to go on sushi runs with.

GA basketball started this past Friday night.  So now we finally got Jessica's basketball hoop up for her to practice when she comes over.  It only took us 3yrs!

ONE of Jon's crock pots full of chili!  He was given some bison and elk meat and decided to make chili.  He added some italian sausage too.  I hear it was good.  I don't eat chili, so I have to take their word for it.

I just love how his ears look here.  He also looks tiny and not like his monsta' self.

This was my view when I pulled onto my street after work one day this week.  It was like I was being welcomed home.  Love it

She makes the funniest faces.

I do believe you can still download this song for free on KLove.  I LOVE this song!!  I wrote about it yesterday.

I made home made spaghetti this week.  I have to have LOTS of garlic.  And believe it or not, this really wasn't enough.  My phone still smells like garlic.  and I love it!

Yes, I mix raw spinach in with my spaghetti...  it's really good, you should try it.

I love it when my cousin Cam comes over.  And so does Beckham.  Cam let Beckham chew on his blanket, I tried to stop it each time but finally gave up and just took a picture.

Oh my gosh dude!  Knuckle deep!  Haha.  How could you not love that face!!!

I love this picture.  Brandi and Christen just turned to look at Beckham at the same and he gave this look like: "What did I do??"

Church Youth basketball started Thursday night.  They always make me nervous.  The games can get pretty intense believe it or not.  But this game was really good. Not many fouls were called and Christen got 6 out of the 19pts they scored.  Oh, and our girls won!  Good day for sure.

Christen on the right her BFF Becca on the left during half time.  Love these girls.

Don't forget to CLICK HERE for the Valentine's Crafty Prize Pack Giveaway!!

Now, go see all other awesome photos:
life rearranged

I'm also linking with:

Happily Mother After