Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Secret Life of a Teenager's Birthday Party

First...  there's cake.. . and lots of pizza... but I didn't get any pictures of the large amount of pizza we had...  that's okay though, b/c really, the key to a great birthday party is the cake (thanks to my Mom...  she made Christen a Purple Velvet Cake from scratch!)

And sometimes...  knives are involved...  don't worry...  no one was hurt...  but you do see the concern in Christen's face..

Cake fights  may or may not happen... 

Streamers may or may not explode in the living room...

And if the parents of the teenager are left alone with the streamers and dogs... 
there's no telling what will happen 

Brandi was done and over it...  heading for the hills... 
She didn't want to end up like Beckham and consumed by the streamers...

17th Birthday party = Success...


Anonymous said...

Your doggies are just as cute as pie... and your daughter ain't exactly ugly. Great pictures, Jodi!

stephanie said...

I love birthdays! looks like everyone had fun!

Amy said...

These pictures are so HAPPY! I love it! (love the turquoise tablecloth, too. I have the same one!) You had such as sweet birthday post for Christen, too. I would love to have the same kind of relationship with my daughter when she is 17!

Joy said...

Looks like fun was had by all... and the dog pictures with the streamers.... PRICELESS! They were good sports! =)

Becky said...

Pooe Beckham.. He is just too sweet for you parents to be treating him that way...

Karen Hossink said...

What fun, FUN pictures! I love the cake fight. I measn, because I didn't have to clean it up. *wink*
And poor Beckham. You had too much fun.
Thanks for sharing the party via pictures.

Larie Carlice Proverbs 27:19 said...

Great party photos! I just wanted to let you know that I really like your comment over at Surviving Motherhood about people thinking that Christians do not get depressed...that is such a pet peeve of mine and just like Karen I am on a mission to share my story so that it will help someone else.


AiringMyLaundry said...

I love the pictures!! How fun!

Farmgirl Paints said...

something to look foward too;) she's just a doll by the way. happy birthday to your sweet girl.