Friday, August 26, 2011

National Dog Day!

Did you know that today, August 26th is National Dog Day

Yeah...  neither did I!  Until just a few minutes ago. 

Apparently, this has been going on since 2004?  From what I gather, it started as putting awareness out there for our most beloved four-legged, furry friends.  And since it started, over 100,000 of man's best friends have been saved!

On the site, they have all kinds of information.  How to donate, ways to adopt, ways to spread the word about how to take care of our dogs and love them!

So, in order to honor National Dog Day...  please enjoy these pictures of my babies..  I mean, dogs.   :o)

Brandi as a puppy...  we actually got her when she was 5wks old and just a little under 2lbs.  She was the runt. 

And here are Brandi's puppies!  She had them back in January 2008.  Gosh...  it doesn't seem like it should have been that long ago!!  Beckham is in that puppy pile somewhere...  but he went by "Fred" at that time.  She had 7, but only 5 survived...

And here is one tired Mama...

But she LOVED her puppies...

Here's Beckham...  also known as "Fred"...  I was a little OCD in keeping up with their weight and progress....  I had charts...  it was a bit crazy... 

And this was Moose!  She was the one Christen wanted to keep....  but she went to a great home and was renamed: "Princess"... 

And here they are now...  I love my Brandi and Beckham...  They really are like my children and I'm so happy we have them.  Even though I was never really a "dog" person to begin with... 

So...  make sure to give your babies...  I mean doggies.... an extra treat today, OR if you don't have a dog and aren't allergic and have a great home for them, go adopt! 

have a great weekend!!


stephanie said...

so cute! I want a dog so badly! but alas the hubs and I made a deal we'd wait until he was home again which logically I know is the smart decision. but still? I wannnnt one!

Karen Hossink said...

Awwww. I missed it!
But I took Mindy for a nice long walk this morning. We'll call that our Dog Day celebration. *wink*

Anonymous said...

Your doggies are so precious! One of these days you and I will actually meet in person and I may get to hug them. We have three cats, but my husband and I both love dogs too. One of these days we'll get another one.

Becky said...

Beckham makes me love BIG dogs again.. He is so precious...One day I might get to meet Brandi too..