The center even had an IMAX theatre. Jessica just happens to LOVE Harry Potter, so Mom treated us to tickets for the 1:30 showing. I'm not much of a Potter fan, but it was a neat experience seeing a movie on the IMAX screen. The popcorn was just what I needed to! AND I found out where I get my tendency of talking and asking questions during a movie. My MOM! As she was asking Jessica about everything to do with the movie, I had to laugh. I do the exact same thing to Jon.

The center had so many hands-on experiences for the girls to try out. The first thing we saw was the bed of nails. Christen and Jessica both said it felt really weird. Uh.. yeah! I would imagine!! You would lay on the bed and while on it, someone would press a button and the nails would come up and before you knew it, you were being held up by nails!

No way could I have done this. You sit in the seat, then pull yourself up. Christen did it with ease of course. Jessica needed a little help...

Here, my Mom and Jessica were playing tug-of-war with Christen. I do believe Christen won!

The girls even had a "Big" experience... get it?? If not, I must be older than you.

Can you tell who Christen missed the most?? Oh to be young and think you're in love....

This picture was just not meant to be. Their heads were blocked by the sleigh and neither of them found it a "cool" thing to do. BUT, they did it! They get credit for that.

Check out their reactions... I have no clue what text message Christen was reading, but it must have been scandalous!! Jessica, however, was looking at this:

Christen was the only one crazy enough to try the flight simulator. This thing went upside down and did 360s. I would have lost my popcorn in that thing!! Not Christen. Check out that smile:

Sunday, we started the day after breakfast by having some "girl" time. Mom painted the girls fingernails. I applied the dots.

I feel pretty blessed to have a mother who feels the call to lead us in Bible study, who recalls scripture to me to guide me and counsel me and who will just call me to tell me of a verse she read and wants to share.
That sounds like a lovely weekend. Merry Christmas!! Marie
Oh, Jodi. I was reading along, thinking that sounded like a fabulous weekend. But when I got to the part about your mom leading you in Bible study? That is where I seriously felt the pang of jealousy. What a blessing to have your mom do that with your and the girls!
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, my friend!
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