I must admit. Christmas was beginning to look a bit daunting by Wednesday of last week. With everything we committed to, I was wondering if by the end I would actually have to be "committed" to the "looney bin" as my mom used to say.
But of course, everything went great. We had our Christmas breakfast (with 6 added guests) and no huge melt-downs ensued. I was teetering on the edge because I put my breakfast casseroles in a bit late, but all was well and they were GREAT!
Christmas lunch at my Ma's house went better than expected. Ma passed away a year ago today and she spent last Christmas in ICU. It was very odd being there and her not be there. She's like me, not much of a talker. She would rather just sit back and watch everyone. She would notice everything within her eye sight. She did want to be around her grandchildren, especially the babies. I was able to play with my 2 yr old cousin. He surely helped my feelings. Kids can do that to you.
Christmas dinner... well, my nap was unintentionally extended and I was a bit late, but other than that, fun was had by all.
I had just as much to do the next day, but I prayed that something would come up so I could rest and well, God answers prayers! Saturday night, I got sick. Like really, really sick. I will spare the details. So Sunday, I was scared to go anywhere, eat much or basically get off the couch. So all the plans I had made were out the window. I hate I missed it all, I really do. But I really needed that day of rest.
I wasn't able to do some things I wanted to do because of work or time or illness (like the Candle Light Service at my Church, or going to the Church in town to hear the special speaker), but I can't let that get me down.
I hope and pray you had a wonderful Christmas, spent with family and friends.

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