Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Last Week Before Summer Vacation

It's Tuesday! Have had a great morning so far. I got up really early, before 6am!! I couldn't go back to sleep, so I got ready for work. We had time, so I took my daughter by McDonald's for breakfast. It's her last week of school before summer vacation.

In about 5 months or so, she'll be able to drive herself to school. Now THAT'S a scary thought! She has to bring her average up in Honor's English though. That was the deal. All A's & B's on her report card.

When we got to school, her friend Lynsey came up. She drove herself to school today. My how the time flies... I guess we're having fun!

This time 16yrs ago, I was getting ready to graduate from High School. I was pregnant and scared out of my mind. (I'll save that story for another entry) I pray daily that Christen makes better choices for herself and that she keeps Christ in her heart.

So, she has a lot going on this week. I'm praying she passes all her finals, that she pulls a B out of Honors English and that we can go with out arguing the rest of the week. That last one may take a miracle!!


Andrea said...

Hi Jodi, this is the first time I have visited your blog and just wanted to say Hi and that I will be back, thanks for sharing!

AiringMyLaundry said...

Mmm McDonalds.

My son finishes school June 4th.

Karen Hossink said...

Last week, eh? And a driver's license on the horizon. Wow!

I'm having hard enough time considering that my daughter is starting high school next year. (And the words 'driver's ed' have recently come out of her mouth. NO!) I'm not ready for her to be driving yet. Yikes!

And I happen to know God is still in the business of performing miracles. Here's to a peaceful rest of the week!