My brother's boxer had puppies and Brandi was the runt. She was less than half the size of all the other puppies. My brother and his (now ex) wife bottle fed her until she could drink milk from a saucer and eat puppy food. We got her when she was 5wks old and only 2lbs. Her largest brother/sister was 5lbs at that time! She could literally fit in the palm of my hand. There was no way I was going to let this baby sleep outside. I do believe she officially became a part of our family when on the way home from my brother's house, she pooped in my lap. It was actually kind of sweet. Thankfully I used protection in the form of a puppy pad.

Now she is five years old, she's had puppies of her own. We kept one and we call him Beckham. He is probably the smartest yet most idiotic dog I've ever known. He's surely a clown and will keep you entertained for hours on end. He actually was the entertainment of my niece's 9th birthday party this year.

If you read my first post, you know I got a Nikon Coolpix L100 for Mother's day. Only because my boxer babies can't put their paws over their face EVERYtime I try to take their picture, they will be my main subjects. I would love for Christen to be my main subject, but since she's a teenager, she's all cranky and stuff whenever I try to take her picture. So below are the first couple of picture I've taken w/ the Nikon. Hope you enjoy!
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