Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pin-Ter-Vention Party Time!

Is it just me, or does anyone else sing the title to this blog post to the tune of "peanut butter jelly time"???

Please tell me I'm not the only one??

This week...

I won't actually be linking up with Steph and Nicole for the Pin-Ter-Vention.


But I did want every one to know about it.  So just b/c I'm not linking up, doesn't mean you can't go check out what everyone's doing.

I just haven't had time to document things I've been doing because I've got a new venture going on.  I've been getting ready for this venture, which has been hard b/c most of the weekend I really didn't feel very good.  And to tell the truth, I'm still not up to par right now.

I'm not ready to announce anything yet.  Just because I don't think the time is right.  It's nothing super secretive or anything.  I guess I just don't want to "talk" about it.   I want to "do" it, then write about it.

So, instead of sharing something I "did" from a pin on pinterest, I thought I'd give you a sneak peek at what's been taking my attention lately.

Yep, that's a lot of stuff...  A lot to get done...  But I can do it.  I've got a GREAT support system!!

Now make sure to go check out what Steph and Nicole and everyone else has been doing!


steph said...

thanks for showing us some love! can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve :)

Jodi Evans said...

you're VERY welcome!!! I can't wait to get it all DONE! ;)

Amber said...

Well, now I have that song in my head :)

Maysem said...

What a teaser!! Now you've gotten me curious to see what you are making...can't wait to see it!

Karen@SurvivingMotherhood said...

Ummmmmmm. I don't know that song. ;)

I wish, I wish, I wish I had creativity and vision like you do!
Looking forward to seeing your final products.

Christina Klas said...

Oh man! I already love so many of these things and you haven't even done anything yet. :) haha

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

You stay busy! Your projects look interesting! Sorry you're not feeling very good. Hope you're up to par soon.

Jodi Evans said...

Thanks! It's LOTS of stuff and a bit overwhelming, but it's all good! :)

Jodi Evans said...

haha! Sorry about that. ;)

Jodi Evans said...

Thank you! Feeling more like myself today for sure. :)

Jodi Evans said...

Thank you!! :D

Jodi Evans said...

I shall be sending you the video soon so you can have that song stuck in your head too. ;)

thank you!!! I'm ready for it all to be DONE!

nic said...

oh, so many goodies! i can't wait to see!!

Jodi Evans said...

Thanks Nic! I can't wait to be done! ;)