Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pour Your Heart Out: Letting Go

Today, I'm linking up with Shell at "Things I Can't Say" and I'm Pouring My Heart Out.  Want to join in? Go here:

I just started following Shell, and just found out about "Pour Your Heart Out" Wednesdays.  And it's really neat because something happened yesterday that I really need to get out.  I knew it was coming, but I never really understood fully how I would feel. 

Christen got an offer to play college soccer. A real, official offer.

We still have to come up with some money (gosh there's so many scholarships available, my head's spinning!!), but the coach wants HER.  She's already been accepted to the school.  One of the top 20 in the COUNTRY.  It's not a D1 school, it's a D2.  But that just means with lots of hard work, she could actually get time on the field her first season there.  

So, how am I feeling about all this??  excited, nervous, sad.  Mostly sad.  The realization of Christen leaving is really beginning to sink in.  And she'll be 6hrs away if she accepts the offer.  SIX HOURS!!!   This has to be a God thing, because I can't get through it on my own. 

I am really excited for Christen.  This is an opportunity of a lifetime.  A way for her to get the best education possible AND play soccer. 

But six hours?? 

And when she comes home, she'll be driving through Atlanta.  That makes my heart skip a beat.  Atlanta drivers are crazy.  I know, I used to drive through it more than I liked and live just 40min south of downtown ATL. 

I keep coming back to me.  How I'm going to handle all this.  Christen is excited, but I know she has to be a little scared too. 

But this is the day every parent wants for their child.  It's our job to make sure she has a strong Christian faith and foundation and that she can be independent from us.  So far, so good. 

So, everything she's wanted, up to this point, is being offered to her.  Will she accept?  I'm thinking she will, but she won't make a decision until tonight.  Unless her mind's already made up and she just hasn't said yet. 

God, ultimately, she's yours.  You just trusted me to take care of her and to lead her back to You.  I pray her decision is what You want for her, regardless of what her decision is.  And I know, if it is your Will, you will give me peace about it.  Help me, help us because I can't get through this with out you and I know she needs you during this time too.



Shell said...

How exciting! A little scary, but definitely exciting!

Holly said...

very exciting but I would be nervous also. My oldest is a freshman in high school. Where did the time go?!

Joy Taylor said...


Becky said...

Congrats Christian!! You have really earned this and I know you make your Mama proud!!
And the fear will never go away Jodi.. Jordon is 20 and when he drives 45 minutes away I make him call me and let me know he is there.. Your faith and lots of prayers will see you through this.. And you have plenty of friends here with a shoulder to cry on should you need one...

Karen Hossink said...

Ah, His faithfulness is forever! He will carry both of you through this time. Keep your eyes fixed upon Him, my friend!

Heather said...

That's so exciting. Sounds like it was meant to be. Congrats! And remember, 6 hours away is only three if you meet half way!

stephanie said...

how exciting!! congrats!!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

That's so exciting! I bet she'll love it. I went to school about 20 hours away from my parents. It was hard the first week or two, but it ended up being the best experience. Probably good I couldn't take home my laundry. :)

Though when I know I'll have a panic attack if my kid's decide to go to school hours away. Good luck!

Adrienne said...

Oh, scary! That's awesome and exciting and every emotion out there! Congrats to her! :)