Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 22 ~ Photography Challenge

It's homecoming week for Christen's High School.  And she has been in the spirit of it all week long!  Last night was the home coming parade.  Christen was in the parade!  It was so fun to watch for her and then see her in her club's float.  I will post on it soon!

Day 22 ~ Hands

Some of us from both sides of my family met up for the parade.  My maternal grandmother (Nanny), my mom, my brother, Jon, my paternal Aunt Renee and her daughter Alison and of course Alison's little boy, Cam Cam (Cameron).  Well, my Nanny loves babies/toddlers.  She sat down beside Cameron and he wanted her to hold his hand.  It was so adorable!

There's nothing quite like a 2yr old boy that will sit still long enough to hold a Nanny's hand. 


Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I love it! What a sweet little boy. :)

Melissa said...

What a beautiful picture!
I need more pictures of hands...especially tiny hands holding more "seasoned" hands. Love it.