Monday, August 29, 2011

"Pretti-fied" Magnet Board

I don't like birds.....

I think they are dirty and man are they are loud!  and they just don't belong in people's houses...  well..  at least not in my house.. 

So..  normally, when I see birds on fabric, I keep on a walkin'...  

But..  that all went *poof* and "flew" out the window (yep, I went there) when I saw Michael Miller's Journal Collection Anjou Pour Vous in Yellow.  Oh my goodness...  I don't know how to explain it.  I just loved it.  birds and all...

So, I purchased 1yd of it...  and now... is SOLD OUT!  I knew I should have gotten more...  So I will forever be on the look out for more. 

I'm always on the lookout for bargains.  Right now, I'm trying to grab up as many magnet boards and cork boards as I can find.  Hopefully to stock up my etsy store (whenever I finally take the plunge and OPEN IT!) and of course to help decorate my home and next year, Christen's dorm. 

I found two magnet boards on sale for $3 when we were in Fernandina!!  I wish they had more, but 2 was all they had left. 

I knew I would want to cover the board w/ fabric and frame it...  so now, I had the boards and the fabric..  I just don't have the frame yet.  Oh well..  that didn't stop me from covering the board!

I also made magnets....  ENJOY as you go through the process with me...  :o)

I made the magnets first...  from "smooshed" bottle caps, round glass tiles, scrapbook paper and Crystal Lacquer...  forgive my finger prints!
I got the board for half off the lowest price.  LOVE a good bargin!

 Maby it was the music notes that did it?  They might be why I can over look the birds...

This stuff is AMAZING!

My E9000 glue dried out...  so the Crystal Lacquer saved the day!! 

The lacquer even glued the magnets to the bottle caps... 
I used those "rare earth" magnets...  lots of pull in those suckers.   


It's gonna look so much better once I find a frame for it...  I'm picturing a pretty, distressed white frame...  or cream....  or french blue...  ;o)

So what did YOU create this weekend? 
 Or what is that project that you've got in mind, but just haven't hammered out yet? 

Friday, August 26, 2011

National Dog Day!

Did you know that today, August 26th is National Dog Day

Yeah...  neither did I!  Until just a few minutes ago. 

Apparently, this has been going on since 2004?  From what I gather, it started as putting awareness out there for our most beloved four-legged, furry friends.  And since it started, over 100,000 of man's best friends have been saved!

On the site, they have all kinds of information.  How to donate, ways to adopt, ways to spread the word about how to take care of our dogs and love them!

So, in order to honor National Dog Day...  please enjoy these pictures of my babies..  I mean, dogs.   :o)

Brandi as a puppy...  we actually got her when she was 5wks old and just a little under 2lbs.  She was the runt. 

And here are Brandi's puppies!  She had them back in January 2008.  Gosh...  it doesn't seem like it should have been that long ago!!  Beckham is in that puppy pile somewhere...  but he went by "Fred" at that time.  She had 7, but only 5 survived...

And here is one tired Mama...

But she LOVED her puppies...

Here's Beckham...  also known as "Fred"...  I was a little OCD in keeping up with their weight and progress....  I had charts...  it was a bit crazy... 

And this was Moose!  She was the one Christen wanted to keep....  but she went to a great home and was renamed: "Princess"... 

And here they are now...  I love my Brandi and Beckham...  They really are like my children and I'm so happy we have them.  Even though I was never really a "dog" person to begin with... 

So...  make sure to give your babies...  I mean doggies.... an extra treat today, OR if you don't have a dog and aren't allergic and have a great home for them, go adopt! 

have a great weekend!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Giving Praise...

even when I don't feel like it. 

I believe that's an issue with everyone.  I know it can be an issue with me. 

If you have a teenager, or were one yourself at one point in time...  I think you understand how difficult life can be at times.  And how difficult giving praise to God can be at the times when it seems all my hopes and dreams for my daughter could be gone in a second. 

I have all these dreams for my child and when things don't go the way I want them to go, it's hard to remember that God is the one in control. 

I'm a control-freak.  So it's super hard to give her to God.  Because, you know..  I know everything..  HA!

Thankfully, after all is said and done, and I'm broken and feel like I can't deal with anything, that's when I feel closest to God and I can finally see things He's been trying to show me.  And He puts people in our lives that bless us.  And He reassures me that all my hopes and dreams for Christen are not gone, she's just a teenager!  She's a GREAT person.  And people mess up.  CHRISTIANS mess up.  I mess up!!  oh my goodness how I can mess something up...

 Please pray for my family, pray for ME to make Godly decisions, pray for Christen to make Godly decisions and pray for Jon to make Godly decisions.   

It's not important to go into details of the difficulties our family has been going through.  All families go through rough times.  What's important is, through God's grace, we will rise above it and be stronger for it. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A billion per second...

That's how many thoughts I have going through my head...  or so it seems...

I get like this every now and then.. 

It's great for my creative process!  Because I'm normally thinking of what to create! (or mimic)

I want to take more pictures! 

Thankfully I'll be doing Christen's senior pictures soon...  not the formal ones...  the fun ones!

And a friend of mine is letting me do her son's senior pictures too...  


I'm in the process of re-doing a picture frame...  but it's not going to hold a picture...  I'll post more on that project soon...

OH!  And I've got all my fabric to start on Christen's T-Shirt quilt...  the only thing I need before I can actually start sewing is the interfacing... 

I also acquired some blue ball mason jars from The Pickers Warehouse...  not sure exactly what I want to do with them yet...  but I'm sure I will figure something out...

So many projects...  so little time!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ten on Ten August

What's Ten on Ten?  Well, THIS is Ten on Ten:

Basically, on the 10th of each month, you take ten pictures to capture your day...  one picture every hour.  I try to stick to that, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.  An awesome blogger, Rebekah started it all I do believe.  She's pretty cool, so you should for sure check her out!

COLD Coffee 

Due to circumstances out of my control, I have to drive Christen to school, and we had to take the truck. 
Not how she wanted to start her first day of school her senior year, but oh well..

Updating requirements for work

I love my computer calendar and my phone calendar, but I can't give up my desk calender 

What is a cupcake holder doing at work?  Better yet, why haven't I taken it home yet??

Lunch time!!  yes, lunch in my desk drawer.. 


This is the back yard at my work.  Believe it or not, this looks way better than it used to! 

Pick up line @ the high school...  not my favorite thing...  but gotta do what I gotta do!

Senior pictures are ready to view!  Wow...  it's really starting to sink in..

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Secret Life of a Teenager's Birthday Party

First...  there's cake.. . and lots of pizza... but I didn't get any pictures of the large amount of pizza we had...  that's okay though, b/c really, the key to a great birthday party is the cake (thanks to my Mom...  she made Christen a Purple Velvet Cake from scratch!)

And sometimes...  knives are involved...  don't worry...  no one was hurt...  but you do see the concern in Christen's face..

Cake fights  may or may not happen... 

Streamers may or may not explode in the living room...

And if the parents of the teenager are left alone with the streamers and dogs... 
there's no telling what will happen 

Brandi was done and over it...  heading for the hills... 
She didn't want to end up like Beckham and consumed by the streamers...

17th Birthday party = Success...