Monday, July 25, 2011

Third College Down...

And so many more to go...

We really should have been more on the ball about all this.  But we have a couple more tours to go on.  One is already scheduled, the other in the works.  And after that...  decisions, decisions...

This past week Christen was at FSU for soccer camp.  For the longest time, she's admired FSU.  Not sure why.  I know I've admired FSU football for a long time.  Most of my "people" love UGA, but when I was little, UGA didn't do a lot of winning.  So I jumped on the FSU bandwagon.  I love Bobby Bowden and even though I knew it was time he retired, it still makes me sad. 


Christen learned that FSU is NOT the school for her.  Too big, for one.  That's my girl!

But she had fun, and made new friends and of course, learned more about her job as Goal Keeper. 

We'll be headed to Alabama in a few weeks for a college tour and then to North Georgia not long before or after that. 

I'm hoping by then, Christen will have made a decision and we'll get the finances worked out. 

Christen turns 17 this week. 

Lord, help me please. 

I just know this year is going to fly by and soon enough we'll be packing her up for college and telling her "see ya later".  I can't do it without God's help. 

So, I'm praying, praying, praying. 

Now, some fun facts:

Fun Fact# 1: I love riding through Coolidge, GA just to see this cow on the building.  It's been there as long as I can remember and I just love it. 

Fun Fact #2: FSU has a circus!!  I had no clue, but they do. 

Fun Fact #3: This is an old tree.  I love stuff like this.  History is pretty cool. 

Fun Fact #4: This site doesn't come along often enough in the south these days.  Hated that it didn't rain where we were, but there was enough lightning to put a stop to Keeper Wars. 

And finally, Fun Fact #5:  This kid found a great way to keep himself occupied while his sister played in the keeper wars.  I believe his goal was to see how many pine cones it took to make it all the way down the bleacher.  I don't think he ever found out though.  Poor kid!

1 comment:

Karen Hossink said...

OK, so there's the answer to my question. College is NEXT year. *Whew!*
God has been faithful this far. He'll stay the same. Fear not, my friend. ;o)