Thursday, June 16, 2011

I'm a Winner!!

I love to enter contests.  When I first discovered the internet back in 1996, I found out about online contests and I entered them all the time.  I even won a first edition "KISS" comic book.  Very cool.  But since then, I haven't won anything.  But I still enter.  The anticipation is fun.  Even when I don't win, time after time, I always go back to see who wins and TRULY I feel happy for them!

But this time?  This time I won!!!  Yay me! And Yay Miss Rosie from Hello Rosie for holding the contest and Yay Brushstrokes by Karen for painting the prize in the first place!! 

Wanna see what I won???

(Picture from Hello Rosie)

The picture here doesn't do it justice.  Really it doesn't... 

I would have taken a picture of it myself, but I didn't have my camera with me yesterday (I felt like I was missing a limb haha). 

I've been wanting to strip the wallpaper in my bathroom and repaint.  This painting is giving me the nudge I need!  There's a place just for it on my wall and I can't wait to hang it so I can admire it every day. 

So thanks again to Hello Rosie and Brushstroke by Karen.  They are pretty darn awesome.  Don't believe me?  Go see them for yourself.  :o)


Rosalind said...

Yay! I'm so glad you love it! Can't wait to see what you do with the bathroom now!!!

Joy said...

I'm glad you won! It's an awesome piece and I can't wait to see pictures of the updated bathroom when it's done!!

Shabby Chic Boho said...

I love giveaways and I love to win them which isn't too often (but 3 times this week). Your site is cute, I hope you have a great time at the movies for Father's Day.
New follower from weekend blog hop.
(I only use gwama terri on blogger to comment)

Emz said...

Those are great photos - I joined via GFC, please follow me back at :-)