Friday, May 20, 2011

How to Annoy Your Teenager Daughter 101

First, you wake her up 10 minutes earlier than she wanted to. 

(Hey, it's the last day of school.  At 11:30am, she will officially be a Senior in High School.  I'm just a tad bit excited)

Then, you remain cheery and in a great mood as she is getting up and ready for the day.  Don't forget to ask questions she believes you should already know the answer to.  You've GOT to do that. 

Me - "What are you looking for?"
Christen - "The STRAIGHTENER!  Gah!!"

THEN, and this is key, you follow her outside, with camera in hand, in your P.J's and WET hair, and make her pose for a "last day of school" picture.  Or two...  or three....

And finally, for good measure, you keep snapping pictures as she's driving away... 

and when she's out of sight, you try to hold back the tears. 


Becky said...

She is such a GOOD sport!!!

stephanie said...

so sweet, hang in there momma! I remember my own mom sobbing on my last day of school and graduation day and then later my wedding, college graduation and at the birth of my own daughter. And while it was cheesy and embarrassing it warmed my heart and still does.

Rosalind said...

I love the pic of the truck at the end of the driveway... and I love the fact you let her drive a Ford ;)

Kids grow up way too fast, pictures are the only way we can freeze those moments in time. My oldest starts kindergarten this year.

TheUnSoccerMom said...

I forgot to mention, my hair was also UNBRUSHED! I was about to wear my towel on my head as I walked out there, but I figured I would spare her THAT embarrassment. :o) hahaha

Karen Hossink said...


The expression on Christen's face in the third picture clearly says, OK, Mom. Enough pictures.

Love it!

shan said...

Aww! Bless your heart, UnSoccerMom! I don't even want to think about it!!

nic said...

you have this knack of being hilarious and poignant all at once. this post sits on the fine edge of beauty and heartbreak. perfect.

Unknown said...

Love it! lol. and BTW - her truck is almost exactly the same as the one I drove in HS! duel tanks and all. The only difference is the tale gate. Mine was a '96 i believe. lol. Just thought it funny.

Sara K. said...

I love it! A very bittersweet moment for you guys... :)

Heidi said...

oh man, my eldest just graduated from kindergarten on friday - so hard to imagine the day i'll be in your shoes! ;)

i love that your girl drives a truck!

Kerri said...

What a great post. Is she your only child? She looks too young to be going into 12th grade. I have an only child...most blogs I read everyone has LOTS of children!