Monday, May 9, 2011

Baby Pictures!

I was able to take pictures of that cute baby that kept me company while Christen got ready for prom

I've been editing those pictures and still have a ways to go, but wanted to share what I've got so far. 

I hope her Mom and Dad are happy with these!

I've always LOVED taking pictures and had always dreamed of being a professional photographer.  Unfortunately, everybody and their brother are "professional photogaphers" in my town.  But it's something I've always loved and have always enjoyed.  If I get clients, great, if I don't, that's okay too.     

I'm just so happy Emily and Hunter let me take these pictures and I really hope they love them.....


Rosalind said...

ooooohhhhh she's so cute I just wanna kiss on her!!! I love babies!

stephanie said...

look at her little cheeks! precious!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!

Karen Hossink said...

I love the bright pink bow in the black and white pics. Very fun!

You're doing a great job. :)

nic said...

she is so gorgeous and sweet and LITTLE! i am dying from the little.

you rocked this, dearie. i love how you captured her darling grin.

shan said...

I hear ya about being a photographer. I have a studio in my home, and I would love to quit my day job and do that. BUT! I'm not so sure photography would pay the bills. I will just keep it a hobby, and save money on my pics of my girls!!