ten on ten :: the idea
Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments
I believe I followed the Ten On Ten rules as closely as I could... Unfortunately, most of my time is spent at work on the week days. So, you're going to see a lot of what I see at my office....
About 8:02am...
This is normally my breakfast, oatmeal in a coffee mug.. add bananas or raisins... today, I went with bananas.
About 9:05am...
I see these books, on this book shelf, to my left, Monday - Friday. A shame to see all these books and not have the time to read them.
Around 10am...
I never open the blinds to this window.... today I did... don't let the sunlight fool you, it's been cloudy, dreary and cold all day....
A little after 11am...
Before Christen could drive, I would pick her up from school and bring her back to work with me. It was how I spent my lunch hour. She made me this one day and it's been on my computer monitor every day since.
That's me! This mirror is to my right, but I rarely look at it...
I almost forgot! 1:10pm.....
I keep my bottle of lotion on the vent to keep it warm. The office I work in is an old house, built in the 1920's by one of my cousins. I didn't even know that until I started working there. The insulation in it is barely even there, so it gets really, really cold... I'll take my warmth where I can get it!
Sometime around 2pm.....
I know I shouldn't... but I covet this piece of furniture. I even offered to buy it, but it's my boss' wife's grandmother's. Did you catch that?? Either way, it's not going to be sold anytime soon. But I got dibs!
A few minutes after 3pm.....
These cute little pictures are the ONLY displayed pictures of Christen in my office. I believe she was in 5th grade. I'm weird about putting her picture up at my office (odd I know, since I have this blog basically devoted to her). I'll say this and leave it be... there are least 3 customers that come in on a regular basis that I do not want to have access to pictures of her. Enough said.
About 4:40pm...
I kinda cheated on this one... The last picture I tried to take at the office just wouldn't turn out... I had to run an errand after work and shot this on my way back home.
Happy Mail was waiting on me when I got home.
Know when I noticed it??
Know when I noticed it??
At 5pm on the dot! It's my packing supplies...
so guess what??
My etsy shop will be opening soon... yay!!
so guess what??
My etsy shop will be opening soon... yay!!
Now, I'm waiting on Christen and Jon to get ready for the Father Daughter Dance that our YMCA is holding. They have attended every year since we moved back home with the exception of last year.
Of course, I will post pictures.
Of course, I will post pictures.
Thanks for viewing my Ten on Ten! I hope you participated too!!
A beautiful day...even if you had to be at work.
Love that coveted piece as well...good luck with that.
Glad you were able to enjoy the sun even if it was cold outside.
i love the picture of that cool old theater...wish i could see the inside of it! : )
I loved your set - especially the window sill and the theater! Brrr... I'm sure you're ready for spring!
Looks like a fun day, even if you were at work.
Wow, you really did follow the hour pretty close...very impressive!
I'm impressed with those that adhere to the rules (unlike me). The pic of the theater is awesome.
That sign from your daughter is adorable! Nice set, documents your day so well!
I like the 10 on 10 concept! I'm gonna have to try that sometime. Love your boss's wife's grandmother's piece of furniture... very rustic and beautiful.
Hand lotion on the vent? That's brilliant!
The residents at Edgewood are always shocked at how cold my hands are. I'm going to look for the vent in my office tomorrow. Thanks! *grin*
I love that you keep your lotion on the heating vent! Our house is 100+ years old, so I know about cold houses! :)
i love seeing these glimpses of your day. cocoa butter lotion is simply the best...something about that smell makes me melty inside. (and you are a genius with that vent trick. it's kind of too bad i have cable heating [in the ceiling]. i'm trying to figure out how to make that work. ha!)
ps your girl is some kind of awesome. love the drawing.
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