Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 - Year in Review

I've noticed a lot of bloggers out there do some sort of "year in review".  I've seen picture collages and even month-by-month recollections.  My memory isn't the best, so a month-by-month probably wouldn't work for me.  (good thing I started this blog right?)

So, I'm just going to high-light a few things in words and in three collages. 

The main thing that stuck out in 2010 was Christen going to Sweden to play soccer (without us, or any family or any familiar friends).  That was a true test of faith, for all of us.  We did a lot of planning, fund raising, praying and cheering in 2010.  Christen got pretty far in the ranks with her team.  She had two shut outs as Goal Keeper and her team was 4th out of 20 (something) countries and 60 (something) teams.  (I'm not good with the specifics) 

It was a growing experience for us all for sure. 

Another thing that really sticks out in 2010 was being without my paternal grandmother for the first time.  She passed away on December 28, 2009.  I'm still getting used to her being gone.  I still have days where I just want to call her or go see her, and I can't.  But I know she's in heaven and I know I will see her again someday. 

We had snow in South Georgia.  For real, stuck to the ground, people forgetting how to drive, over an inch thick snow.  I'm praying this does NOT reoccur in 2011. 

Christen also got her drivers license this year.  Enough said!  I think I have some grey hairs coming in....

I have a lot to be thankful for.  God has given me and my family many blessings in 2010.  I'm ready to see what 2011 has in store for us. 


Anonymous said...

Well, Happy New Year to you, girl. I hope 2011 is good to you. I know it will be.

Karen Hossink said...

You're right. There are a lot of 2010 reflections and 2011 ponderings going on in the blogosphere. I spent time reflecting on my own Saturday - perhaps I ought to get on the ball and talk about it on my blog *sheepish grin*

I may need to draw on your courage this summer. My daughter brought home some information about a summer program which would take her farther away from home than she's been before. Not over seas, mind you. But far enough. You'll help me be strong if she does this thing, right? *wink*