People ask me all the time: "Are you going to have another baby?" Ummm... no. I get the not so subtle hints from my Dad and Aunt that we could sure use a little boy. No Thanks! My Mom finally sees things my way, so no more hints from her.
I'm still young enough (34), but my daughter will be graduating from High School next year... NEXT YEAR!!! Well... not 2011, but 2012.. so next SCHOOL year. I can not fathom having a baby the same year my daughter will graduate from high school. Nope, not gonna happen.
BUT, I do have little cravings for baby time. I LOVE babies! And toddlers. They are so much fun! So, I get my fix when I get to babysit. It doesn't happen often, so I soak it up whenever the opportunity arises. It's fun to spoil them and then send them home. To be the "fun" Aunt or Cousin. And not the disciplinarian.
I was able to babysit twice this weekend! On Friday night, I watched over my dear friend's 3yr old little boy. He is so much fun! He loves puzzles and coloring and pasting. I made up a little craft project for him to do and he had a lot of fun pasting the shapes. I should have made up more crafts because he wanted to keep on pasting!! I'll know better next time. He LOVES our boxer, Beckham. He giggled and tried to run to have Beckham chase after him. Unfortunately, Brandi is too possessive of little ones, so we had to keep her crated. She's a little Momma and thinks no one should be near a baby but her!

On Saturday, I kidnapped my baby cousin. He'll be two in a couple of weeks. He's visiting his grandparents (my Aunt and Uncle) and so I gave them a little break. He's such a ball of energy! He never stops! He loves Beckham too. He would literally stick both his hands in Beckham's jowls and tug on them. He loves every one he comes in contact with! Well, except Jon. He had to warm up to Jon. Jon is a little scary if you don't know him. It's the hair and beard. But after a quick game of fetch w/ Beckham, Jon was his friend.

Christen really enjoyed getting to know her little cousin again. She loved showing him the pond and the little fishies!!

He's ALL BOY!! Loves to hang from things, and LOVES anything that has an engine it too!

Babies are blessings from God above. I thank Him daily he gave me my baby. And I thank him for putting me in the lives of people who have awesome babies that I can play with!
Aww, cute kids!!
Yeah, people always ask if we're having more kids. Right now, I say no. Not sure if I'd have the patience.
I totally get what you're saying here. I love to babysit, and think it's wonderful that I have several friends who are quite a bit younger than me - so they're in the 'having babies' stage, and I can get my fix. *grin*
Besides, I know how valuable it is to a young mom to have a break. So I get double the 'pleasure' when I'm babysitting.
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