Wow... how did Friday get here? So happy this week flew by. Short work weeks normally don't fly by, not for me anyway.
Last weekend, I had the house all to myself! It was WONDERFUL! Only myself to pick up after, I didn't have to sit through boring-to-me TV shows or movies and my time was my own. I highly suggest to all mothers (and fathers too) to have a weekend to yourself every now and again. Sure, I get the occasional Saturday to myself, but never a whole weekend. It was such a treat!
Some people would go crazy with loneliness by the second day, not me. I wasn't a very social child, could always play by myself and find things to keep occupied. I had a vivid imagination, so I could keep myself entertained all day long.
So I really didn't make huge plans. Friday I went out to eat with my brother. Saturday I cleaned a little bit, watched movies and went out to eat with my friend. Sunday I slept in and missed early service, but got there in time to teach the PreK and Kindergarten Sunday School classes and I went to late service. Sunday afternoon I had a children's music ministry meeting at church, then after that went home and watched another movie. Monday, I cleaned up a bit more and lounged in the pool. By Monday morning, I was ready for my family to be home. Thankfully the day passed by quickly.
So, what was Jon & Christen doing?? Why were they gone?? Last Christmas, I gave them passes to DragonCon. Jon has wanted to go for a long time. I could care less about it, so I planned to stay home. They met a lot of nice and weird people and a few celebrities. Enjoy the pictures!

They were going to dress up as Jedi's, but didn't get their costumes made in time. They were thankful in the end though b/c it was super hot in Atlanta.

Christen with Pinky & The Brain. I used to LOVE this cartoon!

These guys are on some ghost hunter show. Christen and Jon watch it and when I'm in the same room, I tend to make fun of it. She was happy to meet these two guys from the show.

This is Kelly LeBrock. She was a model in the 80's and was in the movie "Weird Science".
I believe every guy Jon's age had a crush on her growing up.

Yep, my husband met "The Hulk", Lou Ferrigno! He was so excited!!

This is my favorite. Barbara Eden!! Jon said she is still beautiful and so very kind!
I'm glad they got to meet new people and hang out with those odd convention people. Even though it wasn't my cup of tea. It's good to have different interests. It was a weekend of father/daughter bonding for sure!
As for me I was happy all by myself with my movies and:
Oh, that is purely AWESOME! I am so glad for you! what a treat. For you and for Christen and Jon!
I'm like you when it comes to alone time. When I get it, I love it. Right now since we're living with my parents, that is hardly ever the case and it is driving me crazy because I can't be alone except in the shower. And sometimes, the dog has to be at least in the bathroom with me.
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