
Natalie loved the painting and I felt so blessed to be able to make her happy by painting her this painting.
Natalie loved the painting and I felt so blessed to be able to make her happy by painting her this painting.
These are all the other ingredients. You're supposed to use the tiny lasagna noodles, but I can never find them at the supermarket, so I just use the big ones and break them up. The recipe also calls for bell pepper, but since I'm the only one in the house hold that eats bell pepper, I leave it out. (sorry for the poor lighting and picture quality, I used my camera phone)
All the ingredients are in and have been simmering for about 10 minutes here. Yumm-O!
Here's in my bowl, with the four kinds of Italian cheeses just melting all over it! This is really what makes it sooooo goooood!!! I.love.cheese.
And just before I devoured the whole bowl!! Yep, I'm not much of a cook , but I can follow directions. So that means I can come up with something edible every now and then.
That's my niece, she the one waving her right hand and clutching her wand and water bottle in her left hand. As she walked away with her school's float, I noticed how much she's grown. She's becoming a young lady more and more every day. Jeez... makes me a little sad.
We saw a lot of cool things in the parade:
I'm NOT a fan of clowns. They creep me out. I was so happy she was driving instead of out and about doing..... clown things...
Another, you know you're in South GA when.... moment.
Christen with Pinky & The Brain. I used to LOVE this cartoon!
These guys are on some ghost hunter show. Christen and Jon watch it and when I'm in the same room, I tend to make fun of it. She was happy to meet these two guys from the show.
This is Kelly LeBrock. She was a model in the 80's and was in the movie "Weird Science".
I believe every guy Jon's age had a crush on her growing up.
Yep, my husband met "The Hulk", Lou Ferrigno! He was so excited!!
This is my favorite. Barbara Eden!! Jon said she is still beautiful and so very kind!
I'm glad they got to meet new people and hang out with those odd convention people. Even though it wasn't my cup of tea. It's good to have different interests. It was a weekend of father/daughter bonding for sure!
As for me I was happy all by myself with my movies and: