This has been such a week of highs and lows for Christen and her teammates! The beginning of their Soccer adventure in Sweden did not start out so well. They had three scheduled games, the first against a Norwegian team and the last two against two Swedish teams. They lost each game and did not score at all. On Wednesday, after their last lost, Christen called to let me know they were still going to be playing in a playoff game. If they won the first playoff game, they would get to continue. Well guess what? They won!! 1-0!! Christen was the goal keeper the entire time and not one kick on goal got past her. She stated that there were so many kicks on goal she lost count!
They had another game a couple of hours ago and guess what? They won that one too!!! 2-1!!! They have another game at 1:30 EST today.
I'm SO excited for her and her teammates. For a group of girls who just met a week and a day ago, they are doing so great! Wanna know a secret? I know how they are doing so well! Of course they have the talent, of course they have the knowledge of the game, but God is on their side. He has heard our prayers for safety and He is keeping them safe. He has heard our prayers for wins and He has given them the ability to win. The verse I keep sending Christen is: "I can do everything through CHRIST who strengthens me" Phil 4:13. I believe it has reminded her to keep her focus Christ centered.
No matter what happens today @ 1:30pm EST, I will be proud of her because she is giving her all and keeping her faith strong.
Enjoy these pictures from their first game in Sweden:

That's Christen there in the blue. She played Striker for most of the first half. Striker is the position that "should" get the majority of the goals (if there are any). She hasn't had much experience in that position because where she plays here, people believe that position belongs to only one person. I won't name names. But it's wonderful for her to have this experience and to have a coach who believes in her abilities.

Here she is the GK and wearing her light blue jersey.

This is fantastic! So happy for Christen and her teammates.
And it sounds like you're holding up well? I have another blog friend whose daughter was away from home for 15 days, and it was pretty hard on her.
Remember: You can do ALL THINGS through CHRIST who strengthens you. *wink*
Ah, that blog friend I just mentioned? You should read this post of hers. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
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