If you haven't read the blog from earlier this morning, please read it first. :o)
My mother was able to meet Christen at the walk-in clinic and she was there to talk with the doctor too. With that said, I must proclaim that the chaperone's: Carol & Maria are AWESOME! I know they are treating Christen just like they would one of their own kids. But I just felt better knowing my mother was there.
They took blood and urine samples and both came back OK. The Dr. left it up to Christen. They are thinking it's cysts. If you're not familiar with them, let me get you up to speed on them (or at least how they affected me). They come and go. One day you're in pain and it may last that day or longer and then, *poof* the pain is gone. The Dr told her that if the pain got worse, or did not get better, that she could come in at 9am for an ultrasound. My mother is taking her in the morning. Christen told her she didn't want to take any chances because she wants to healthy enough to go to Sweden.
That's my girl!!
Now, on to Father's Day. We had my dad, my brother, his daughter, my brother's girlfriend and her two kids over on Saturday. We made burgers, hot dogs, my potatoes, beans and my brother made homemade brownies and homemade ice cream! Fun was had by all. :o)
Sunday, I treated Jon and Christen to a movie. He chose Iron Man 2. It did not disappoint.

My Dad is NOT fond of getting his picture taken.

My Dad did manage a smile for Christen though. :o)

My niece is on the left, my brother's girlfriend's daughter is on the right. They are fast friends!

I met Alex for the first time Saturday. He's such an awesome and sweet kid!!
He had a blast in the pool. :o)
My brother and his girlfriend. I've know this chick since high school! They make a cute couple.
And finally, Christen & Jon before we set out for the movies. Please don't hold his scraggalie beard and long hair against me. Believe me, it's against my wishes!!! :o)
Ahhh! So glad your mom was able to see Christen and that your fears are put at ease. Indeed, God cares for her perfectly - no matter how close or far you are from her.
Me thinks this was a good thing to happen now. In preparation for the Sweden trip. *grin* We are weak, but God is strong. Keep holding on to that one, my friend!
Looks like Father's Day was tons of fun. We're going to have a picnic this Sunday. Minus the pool. :(
You have a beautiful family! I'm glad your mom was able to be there for Christen!
Sweden--I'm with her--get this over with so she get to Europe!
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