Today is the first official installment of Music Mondays!

I've been pondering and thinking and pondering some more about who/what I should write about first.
I kid you not when I say my love of music is very far reaching. Seriously, I love just about any kind of music.
But I guess if you had to press me, my favorite kind of music would be "LIVE" music. There's just something about going to a concert or even a small gathering and listening to a live band.
I've been blessed to see a couple of legends live, like
B.B. King and
George Jones. I've also seen
Bon Jovi,
Willie Nelson,
The Judds (I was even called to be on stage w/ the Judds),
Martina McBride (gosh, this is A LOT of country artists), my buddy
Jason Bozik (who I'll be featuring NEXT Monday),
Sister Hazel,
Drivin' & Cryin',
Charlie Daniels Band, and so on and so on...
But one live performance by
Kirsten Underwood just totally took me by surprise.
I'd heard her sing a few times in church and each time is just really awesome.
Then put her on a stage, with a band and an audience and I was just blown away.
Such amazing stage presence at such a young age. (when I first saw her perform, I think she was only 19)
But really, she blew me away! She owns the stage and sings effortlessly, conveying all her emotions in a way even Idol judges would have nothing to complain about.
And she's such a good person too. Like, genuine and personable and bubbly and cool.
The State of Georgia loves her too. She's won many awards and she was selected to the Top 12 for the 2011 Georgia Country Female Artist of the Year.
I may be a little biased, her Momma is one of my good friends and I love Ms. Natalie with all my heart.
So, lets get down to it shall we??
Here's two of the many videos where you'll find Kirsten performing live.
So.. make sure you check her out at her website:
http://www.kirstenunderwood.comand her
FACEBOOKand of course, go to youtube, type in her name and all kinds of great live performances will come up.
OH YEAH, she's starting her own radio show today! She'll be interviewing local artists and you can catch it online today from 10am-2pm est at WTIF. The link to listen in is
She's a great girl and no matter what she does in life, she'll be successful.
Oh yeah! Want a free song?? KLove has a new free download. Check it out
Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!