Friday, September 30, 2011

Days 27 - 30 Photography Challenge

Ever have that feeling where you know you're running out of time, but you just have to get it done? 

Well...  I'm about to cross the finish line with this Photography Challenge.  And how does that Sinatra song go? I did it my way?  Yep..  that's it!

Day 27 ~ From a Distance

This is my view out of the window that is behind me in my office.  No wonder I normally keep the shades drawn...

Day 28 ~ Flowers

This is the curtain in the pre-op part of the heart center at our local medical center.  My dad went in for a procedure today.  I really did love the curtains.  I loved the color, the texture and the flower details.  I just wish he had better news.  He's not the best patient.  Please keep him in your prayers.  He has to go back in 6wks and he's not happy about it. 

Day 29 ~ Black and White

I love this picture...  Christen and her friend Ande before homecoming.  Ande's first and Christen's last. 

Day 30 ~ Self-portrait

So happy this is the last day of the challenge.  Forgive the look on my face.  I was on the phone with my brother getting the latest on my Dad.  So happy he's okay, but not looking forward to his procedure in 6wks.  And I know he's not either. 

And yep, I got my annual hair cut!  Wish I would have done it in the beginning of the summer.  Looking forward to a low of 45 tonight and a high of 70 tomorrow!  It's about time Fall weather should grace us with it's presence. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  Do something that shouts: FALL!!!!    :o)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Introducing... my Snow Family

I interrupt this "Photography Challenge" to bring you my new "happy" thing. 

It's no secret that I love snowmen.  I mean, really.  How can you not be happy when you look at a snowman!?  All plump and jolly and sparklely!

Then here comes Courtenay.  She's such a wonderful artist!  And I feel so blessed her and her husband, Brian, were led to our church.  (Brian is our youth pastor)

She and I are going to enter some of our creations in an arts and crafts sell in November and she emailed me one of her creations:  Custom "Snow Family" watercolors. 

So, I had to have one.  It's an 11x14 masterpiece.   And I'm in love. 

I love my snow family...

My snow puppies are the cutest!

I'm going to display this all.year.long. 

You can have one too! 

She will ship it to you. 

Email Courtenay at    Tell her Jodi sent you! 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Days 25 & 26 ~ Photography Challenge

Day 25 ~ Something Pink

Day 26 ~ Close Up

And please, if you haven't already, check out yesterday's post of days 23 & 24...  my fave is the sun flare...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Days 23 & 24 ~ Photography Challenge

I admit it, I'm a bit of a cheat for days 23 & 24...  and I'll be a cheat for day 25 too whenever I capture it!  Friday, I was exhausted.  Not really sure why.  Saturday was a blur!!  Christen had a full day of assistant coaching and homecoming festivities.  Sunday, Saturday caught up with me.  I overslept and had a headache from a stiff neck since I slept on the couch.  My niece stayed with us and she didn't want to be by herself.  I must admit.  It was nice to be still on Sunday.  Thankful for Dr. Charles Stanley for his televised worship hour. 

Day 23 ~ Sunflare

I think this is one of my favorite pictures of Christen and her friend Ande.  No dates for homecoming!  Just good friends and good times. 

Day 24 ~ Animal

Christen came home from church Sunday night and had us quickly go outside to catch the tortoise and the hare!  Literally!   The turtle found it's way under the truck and the rabbit seemed to be scared stiff by the fence.  The rabbit finally hopped away, not sure what happened to the turtle though...  hopefully he didn't wander into the back yard!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 22 ~ Photography Challenge

It's homecoming week for Christen's High School.  And she has been in the spirit of it all week long!  Last night was the home coming parade.  Christen was in the parade!  It was so fun to watch for her and then see her in her club's float.  I will post on it soon!

Day 22 ~ Hands

Some of us from both sides of my family met up for the parade.  My maternal grandmother (Nanny), my mom, my brother, Jon, my paternal Aunt Renee and her daughter Alison and of course Alison's little boy, Cam Cam (Cameron).  Well, my Nanny loves babies/toddlers.  She sat down beside Cameron and he wanted her to hold his hand.  It was so adorable!

There's nothing quite like a 2yr old boy that will sit still long enough to hold a Nanny's hand. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 21 of Photography Challenge

Still just a day behind.  Not too shabby...

Day 21 ~ Faceless Self-Portrait

I'm NOT a fan of the self-portrait.  Even this faceless one... 

one question...  where are my legs????

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 20 ~ Bokeh

Yesterday was Day 20 of the Photography Challenge. And the challenge is Bokeh.  Now, as I've stated before...  I don't have no fancy camera.  So, Picnik to the rescue!! 

Day 20 ~ Bokeh

Okay...  this really isn't the true definition of bokeh...  but we got rain yesterday and I had to document that.  I used the hearts b/c I was loving the rain!  :o)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Catching Up! Photography Challenge ~ Day 19

I'm catching up!  I can feel it!

So excited about day 19...

Day 19 ~ Something Orange

I picked up these two pretty pumpkins yesterday at Harveys.  And I can't wait to start my pumpkin project!  And I really can't wait to share it all with you!

What are you excited about this week??

Monday, September 19, 2011

Photography Challenege - Days 15 - 18

Day 15 ~ Silhouette

I'm telling ya...  the silhouette thing stumped me...  but then I found a way to make it work:

I.want.this.   I just haven't justified purchasing it just yet.  But I know I would use it.  I just know I would!  It would be awesome in making letters for my banners.  Sigh...  dare to dream...  And this is the newest model, the Silhouette Cameo.  It should be available for purchase really, really soon. 

Day 16 ~ Long Exposure

Well..  I don't have a DSLR camera or anyother type of camera that will allow me to do a "Long Exposure" shot.  I have a fancy point and shoot.  So...  I decided to post my favorite pictures from this weekend:

This was my first attempt at rainbow cupcakes.  The only problem I had with these is, for the best and brightest color, you need to use vanilla cake batter.  Vanilla cake isn't my favorite...  But that's cool.  They weren't for me anyways.  :o)

Day 17 ~ Technology

I decided to take a picture of the technology I can't seem to live without...  but wouldn't it be nice if I could??

Please, don't pay attention to the date on the screen.  I remember when there were no such thing as cell phones!  I didn't have them as a kid or teenager.  I think the first "mobile" phone I had was a "bag phone" that only worked while plugged into my car.  Oh, I thought I was so cool!  The next phone for me will be an iPhone.  But I'm too cheap to pay "brand new" price, so I'm waiting until my contract is up, and hopefully the iPhone 4s will be priced down. 

Day 18 ~ Your Shoes

These poor things....

I wear them just about every work day.  I can't wait until the weather gets a little cooler and I start back to wearing my boots.  These shoes have just about had it...  Oh no...  And just as I uploaded this, I noticed the "Made in China" label...  is there anything at all we can buy that doesn't have "Made in China" on it???

I'm excited about today's challenge...  and I hope I actually get to take the picture today! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Backing up, Days 12 & 13

Day 12 ~ Sunset

Okay...  I can't get a decent sunset picture to save my life.  So here's one I took in July while we were waiting on the fire works display.  Sorry for the clouds...  but that's how it be in South GA on a hot, hot summer day...

Day 13 ~ Yourself with 13 Things

Well... if you break it down...  when I think of "yourself" I think of "me"...  and I've about gotten over all the self portraits this challenge is having me do!  So, I'm giving you a break...  here's my interpretation of ME and 13 Things:

The 1st thing is the steeple on my church.  I love the blue, blue sky as the background. 

The 2nd thing is a toad I found in the cabana the other day.  Poor thing wouldn't hop away to save his life!  I finally got him in a good hiding spot, away from Brandi and Beckham.

The 3rd thing is the wasp nest Jon found on my Ma's slider swing.  Gotta go back and get rid of it. 

The 4th & 5th things are my feet!  Ugh...  I don't do pedicures b/c I can't stand the thought of anyone touching my feet...  so please excuse them.  I do the best I can. 

The 6th thing is perhaps one of my favorite things ever to photograph.  The old gas pump at my Ma and Pa's house.  .39 cent a gallon...  dare to dream!

The 7th thing is the slider swing at my Ma & Pa's house.  I love it, but you gotta watch little hands around it.  If you stick your fingers under the armrest, you will surely lose some skin.  I know, I've done it. 

The 8th, 9th and 10th things are fins and face mask, left outside and got rained on. 

The 11th thing is one of 4 coasters I made for Christen's cousin who is getting married next month. 

And the 12th and 13th things are key chain charms I made for a dear, dear friend. 

Okay...  now to figure out to do a silhouette for today, day 14... 


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Photography Challenge Overload

Okay...  I admit...  I'm WAY behind on the photography challenge... 

I believe what has me stumped is the "Sunset" and "Me w/ 13 Things".  I can't really get a great Sunset picture from my house.  I'm surrounded by houses and trees!  But I hope to get it this afternoon at church. 

And me w/ 13 things??  I will get it done I'm sure. 

I don't want to give up, I will complete the challenge!

I'm skipping ahead to Day 14 ~ Eyes

These be my eyes.  My favorite color is green, my eyes are green...  or hazel...  or blue...  depending on the light.  I just noticed...  my left eye looks a little funky...  hrmm...   and where oh where did all those wrinkles come from???   I think I will call them: "laugh lines".  :o)

And tomorrow... (I'm not gonna promise) so I HOPE I will have days 12 & 13 ready.  :o)

TOTALLY unrelated...  but I just realized I missed this month's Ten on Ten...  oh well... 

Hope everyone is having a great week, it's half way to the weekend!  yay!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 11 ~ Photography Challenge

Day 11 ~ Something Blue

The sky has been beautiful.  This is the scene from Sunday afternoon on my way to church. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 10 ~ Photography Challenge

Day 10 ~ Childhood Memory

Anytime I think of my childhood, I think of my Ma Gibbs and her home.  I think of spending many summer days and nights there.  I think of many after school snacks she made, the countless hours of Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, the many family fish frys.  I especially think of my Pa and combing his hair, and rolling, yes rolling, his hair with Ma's pink curlers!  And the many, many times Ma would swing with me and sing.  I was very blessed to be able to see her swing and sing to my child too. 

I know these are a lot of memories, but they all have one common link: my Ma & Pa's home. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 9 ~ Photo Challenge

Day 9 ~ Someone I Love

WOW!  This was hard to narrow down.  I'm blessed to have MANY people I love in my life. 

But I think we all know who I'm going to pick. 

If not for this kid, there's no telling where I'd be.  God gave me this beautiful blessing a little over 17yrs ago and showed me that I was more than the life I was living.  It's amazing how your priorities and perspectives change when you have a child.  And I thank God for her every day. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 7 & 8 ~ Photography Challenge

My card reader has decided to not work, so I had to upload these from my camera phone. 

Day 7 ~ Fruit

I don't know why I bought bananas...  I normally eat them all the time when it's cold b/c I put them in my oatmeal...  I think I had good intentions...  :o)

Day 8 ~ A Bad Habit

Just for you Karen!  :o)

Yes...  I bite my nails.  Always have, for as long as I remember.  Once I did let them grow out, but I hated it!  Dirt would get under the nails and it was so hard to get it out, yuck...  I would love to stop, but once they get a certain length, I can't help it. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 6 ~ From a Low Angle

Day 6 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge is "From a Low Angle"

What I did was place my camera on the sidewalk behind my office, pointed it up and this is what I got:

30 Day Photography Challenge ~ Days 2-5!

Sorry...  but I hate getting on the computer over the weekend...  so here's my days 2-5 all rolled into one post!

Day 2 ~ What You Wore Today

Day 3 ~ Clouds

Day 4 ~ Something Green

Day 5 ~ From a High Angle

( I don't "do" heights...  this was about as high an angle as I was comfortable with!)

Friday, September 2, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge + Day One!

Melissa over at Jack and the Kumquat has issued a challenge and I accept!  Forget that I'm a day behind.  That's not unusual at all.  So what's the challenge?  Here's the challenge:

Since I'm a day behind...  I will go ahead and put up Day One - Self Portrait right here:

I will come back later on in the day for the Day Two - What I Wore Today

I hope you join in too!!  :o)