Thursday, June 30, 2011


Our Church is having our VBS this week (Vacation Bible School).  We started Sunday and today is the last night. 

Lots of changes this year.  We have a new youth minister, so I expected changes.  But I'm not good with changes.  Thankfully, I don't have to be.  :o)   Things ran smoother than I expected.  Let go and let God! 

The motto for VBS this year is: Hear it! Believe it! Connect it!

And of course, we learn our ABC's: Admit, Believe, Confess. 

This year's VBS Music is by far my favorite!  All the songs are catchy and fun. 

They combined our 2nd grade class with 1st grade.  First change I wasn't so sure about.  I've been there where the first grade class alone had an average of 15 per night.  And our 2nd graders have never been shy about showing up either.  I wanted an influx of kids, so many we would need extra help, but the most we had was last night, 17 kids.  Which is a-okay. 

The first three nights went without a hitch.  ALL the children were eager to learn about Jesus.  ALL the children were excited about the Missions track, the Music track and Crafts track.  They were even excited for Bible Study!!  Which surprised me a little because it can be tough for 1st and 2nd graders to sit still and listen at the same time.  It was like they were all little sponges just ready to learn as much as they could!  We even had one little boy accept Jesus into his heart on Wednesday night.  So amazing!!  The Spirit is truly working on those children. 

Last night was a challenge though.  One child, who is well known if you're a teacher in our area or go to our church.  He totally broke his mold Sunday and Monday.  He behaved, he listened and he was truly a joy to be around.  He missed Tuesday.  I'm assuming because of the storm we had.  He came back last night and was bound and determined to misbehave and treat others badly.  He did things that broke my heart and he acted unreachable.  We had to call in the youth minister to talk to him.  He finally calmed down enough to join us for Bible Study, which is our last track.  Unfortunately, he didn't listen, he made it difficult for the children next to him to listen.  I just can't imagine what he went through that day for him to act the way he did.  So I've been praying for him since last night to have a change in attitude for the better.  I've been praying for him to be able to feel God's tug on his heart and submit to it. 

All is forgiven, the slate wiped clean.  I'm coming to VBS tonight totally expecting him to be there and to be the awesome kid I know he is. 

Tonight is the last night, and once again, I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not.  I really do love VBS and I love the kids.  I thank God I have this opportunity every year to help teach.  It's a blessing. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Our Night At Liam's

ALL photos are from Liam's Facebook Page

Click on any picture and you'll be taken to Liam's website
If you're ever near Thomasville, GA, I HIGHLY recommend you stop by or make reservations for one of their up coming classes. 
Next classes are for a Taste of Spain!

My Mom and I had such a great time at Liam's Tuesday night.  We got to taste foods we've never tried before and we were able to taste foods we're familar with, but prepared in a different way.  That's the menu above.  It's all in Italian.  Which added to the anticipation and excitment I was already feeling prior to arriving. 

This salad and bread were AH-mazing...   I really wish I could better explain what everything is, but the menu was explained so quickly.  All I know is that bread had the most delicious cheese baked ontop.  It was kind of like parmesean, but with a bigger kick.  I could have eaten their whole stock of it. 

This soup was made with many ingredients, the main being cabbage.  It was cooked for 6 hours!  Of course the cabbage was basically just turned into a flavor.  It was so delicous and creamy and 

Lamb on a bed of polenta.  I've never had lamb or polenta before.  You didn't need a knife to cut that lamb, it literally fell off the bone.  It was so good!

This is our table.  You can't really see me, b/c I strategically hid behind my Mom.  ha!

The thought of sitting "Family Style" was a bit off-putting, but once we got there and met our table mates, I wouldn't have had it any other way.  We met some wonderful and interesting people!  My Mom and I are wanting to go back for one of their Taste of Spain classes. 

Liam's is fine dining at its best without the pretentiousness you may find at other "fine dining" restaurants.  I believe it was Rhonda Foster, co-proprietor, who introduced each course.  She was super loud and I grew to love it!  I knew that each time she yelled out the explanation of the next course, we would be eating again soon.   ha!

I must say, it felt adventurous to not know what I was about to eat.  To try things I’ve never tried before and if offered as a choice on a menu, I wouldn’t normally order it on my own.  This experience, yes I do believe it was an experience, has made me want to try new things.  I thought I was adventurous with my foods before, but apparently, I wasn’t.  
It was really nice for just me and my Mom to go and have fun together.  She's such a special person to me and I love hanging out with her.  This was a great way to make some wonderful memories. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Saturday Morning

Want to see how I spent my Saturday morning? 
Go to my blog Under the Georgia Sun

Friday, June 17, 2011

Father's Day

It's Father's Day weekend!!

I doubt I'll get to spend time with my Daddy this weekend, but we'll plan a get-together soon. 

I was given this picture of my dad when he was just a teenager:

I love this picture.  It's SO him. 

It also makes me remember the times he would let me ride on his motorcycle with him up and down our dirt road.  I think that's one of my favorite memories of me and him together. 

He works a lot now, so we don't get to spend a lot of time together.  I was really happy when he came by and let me take pictures of him and Christen before she went off to prom. 

Sunday, we'll be taking Jon to the movies.  This is what he wants to do.  Which is awesome, because that's something we all enjoy. 

Jon is the best Dad to Christen.  He loves her so much and supports her in everything she wants to do.  They are surely two peas in a pod. 

Hope you all spoil your Dads and husbands this weekend.  They really do deserve it!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I'm a Winner!!

I love to enter contests.  When I first discovered the internet back in 1996, I found out about online contests and I entered them all the time.  I even won a first edition "KISS" comic book.  Very cool.  But since then, I haven't won anything.  But I still enter.  The anticipation is fun.  Even when I don't win, time after time, I always go back to see who wins and TRULY I feel happy for them!

But this time?  This time I won!!!  Yay me! And Yay Miss Rosie from Hello Rosie for holding the contest and Yay Brushstrokes by Karen for painting the prize in the first place!! 

Wanna see what I won???

(Picture from Hello Rosie)

The picture here doesn't do it justice.  Really it doesn't... 

I would have taken a picture of it myself, but I didn't have my camera with me yesterday (I felt like I was missing a limb haha). 

I've been wanting to strip the wallpaper in my bathroom and repaint.  This painting is giving me the nudge I need!  There's a place just for it on my wall and I can't wait to hang it so I can admire it every day. 

So thanks again to Hello Rosie and Brushstroke by Karen.  They are pretty darn awesome.  Don't believe me?  Go see them for yourself.  :o)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Ten on Ten for June

I did participate in the Ten on Ten this month, but since we were on vacation, I couldn't post until today.  I kinda took a break from the internet this weekend, with the exception of a FB update or two.    :o)

What's Ten on Ten you ask??  Here's the deal:

ten on ten :: the idea

Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments. Then share your beauty with us!

Jon and I headed to Fernandina/Amelia Island, FL on the 9th.  Friday, the 10th, we picked up Christen from her mission trip in Brunswick, GA then headed back to the beach for the weekend.  Here's what we did/saw on Friday, the 10th:

 I've been saving $$ by fixing my own iced coffee at home and eating breakfast at home. 
But since I was on vacation, I had this Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning. 

Our area from my town over 2.5 hours away, to where we vacationed is still having smoke issues from when the Okefenokee area caught on fire.  It was hazy just about every day and on our way to Brunswick to pick up Christen was no exception.  I also thought this caution sign was appropriate.  I really don't like bridges and I had just told Jon I was going to look out the window and take pictures as we went across.  He was so surprised!! 
This is the first picture I took right after I told him.  Ha!

 I have no idea what this is.  We were on I95 on our way to get Christen. 
I just had to take a picture!

We finally made it to the beach.   

 My cousins live about 30min away from Fernandina and they met us on the beach Friday.  This little guy was too funny.  Cam loves the beach and would bury his truck over and over in the sand.  He loves the water too.  He would get knocked down by waves and get right back up, laughing and having a ball.  He's also the only person in the world who can pour sand down my bathing suit and live to tell about it!

Jon had a good time.  He really needed this break. 
Being on call 24/7 will take it's toll for sure.   

This is a jelly fish.  I've never seen one like it before!  There weren't many thank goodness.   

A very neat way to know where your stuff is on the beach. 
Many people had kites to lead them back to their beach chairs.   

Christen had a good time, I think.  She was super tired from the mission trip, but she still had fun playing w/ Cam.   

We ended the day here.  Christen had a huge plate of crab legs.  She was very happy. 
All in all, a great June 10th!  Wish I could spend every 10th like this. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Weekend Update

I did a whole bunch of nothing this weekend. Trying to feel better, so rest was on the agenda. I think it worked!

The pool is finally ready. Jon, Christen and Beckham, especially, have enjoyed the pool this weekend, but I haven't been able to yet. I have to stay out of the sun until I'm totally better. Thankfully we have a cabana w/ a fan, so I can sit outside with them and watch all the fun!

I did some crafting this weekend. Not much, but it got some ideas flowing and that's just what I needed.

I did blog for the first time in my Under The Georgia Sun blog. Go check it out if you haven't already.

Christen is gone until Friday on a Mission Trip.  She loves going on these trips and I can't wait to hear all about it.  She's not a "phone" person, so I guess I will have to wait to find out all the details.  Thankfully, our pastor is posting pictures on FB and keeping us updated a little bit.  She's mainly helping out with a backyard Bible Day-Camp. 

Taken from Bro. Jim's FB Page

Last night, we finally got some rain. The rain was preceded by some really gusting wind.  It kicked up dust and sand and it honestly looked yellow outside.  Very freaky indeed.  We really needed the rain.  Way too many wells are going dry around here. 

I'm REALLY excited about this month's Ten on Ten.  The 10th is this Friday, and we will be at the beach!  I missed last month's Ten on Ten, so I'm ready for this month's.  Don't know what Ten on Ten is?  Go check it out, and participate! 

And lastly, there's a handful of you lovely ladies out there that I follow and read, but for whatever reason, can't post a comment on!  I've tried and tried and tried...  but I'm at a loss.  So, if you haven't seen me comment lately, that's why.  I'm still reading!  Really I am!  My day wouldn't be complete without you all!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Nanny!!

Yesterday was my Mom's birthday.  Today is my Nanny's birthday!!  Happy Birthday Nanny!!!

Doesn't she look good?!?

This picture was taken at my cousins wedding this past weekend.

Someone mentioned that she smiled the entire time!  And I do believe they were right.  She had herself a grand ole time. 

So..  my Mom's birthday is June 2nd, my Nanny's is June 3rd and my Uncle's is on June 1st. 

Three birthday's in three days!  Crazy...

I hope I'm feeling better so I can go see her this weekend. 

I love you Nanny!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Momma!

Today my mother is 60 years old. 

Can you believe it??

I can't....     I hope I look that good when I'm 60.  She doesn't look a day over 39!

She will have to wait for her birthday present though. 

I'm taking her to Liam's Restuarant in Thomasville, GA.  It was featured on Georgia Traveler.  I love that show!  I think I'm the only one in my family that does, but oh well. 

Anyways...  They are doing a "Taste of Italy" the night we are going.  I've made the reservations, paid for it...  so all we need to do now is show up! 

It will be so nice to have a girl's night with my Mom.  Next time, we'll have to take Christen. 
I love you Mom!!!