Friday, April 29, 2011

Soccer, Soccer, Prom

We traveled to Kingsland, GA on Wednesday to support Christen and her team in their first playoff game.  I mean HOT. 

But, that's alright.  I didn't get burned too bad. 

My cousins live in Kingsland, so they were able to come out and support the girls. 

And I got to see this cute kid. 


Cam-Cam...  Show me your "cheese"! 

Best part of the day?  Our girls WON!  4-1

Next stop, Coweta County.  

Prom is tomorrow.  Pray for me.  And Christen.   
I think Cam-Cam should be her prom date.  Don't you?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I'm jealous.

I know I shouldn't be.  But I am. 

I'm jealous of all the awesome Easters that I've been reading about in your blogs!

I had high hopes for this Easter Sunday.  I was ready to go to church and take in everything that our awesome Jesus had to reveal through our pastor.  I was excited to see all our littles in their prettiest Easter outfits. 

After church, I was looking forward to spending time with my family, trying out a new recipe to take for our annual family lunch and seeing my Dad!!

I did not get to go to church because I woke up with a migraine.  The kind where I can't move my head and I'm nauseas.  The kind where if I were to go to my neurologist like a good girl, I would have appropriate meds for episodes like that. 

I have a wonderful daughter.  She got up, got ready, picked up my niece and they went to early service and Sunday School.  And thankfully, I can listen to the service via our church's website. 

By the time they got back from Church, I was able to move around and cook up some Green Bean Casserole (sans mushrooms) and Roasted Potatoes (I use Ranch Dressing Mix instead of the onion soup mix, and I also cut up the potatoes much smaller). 

Here's another reason why I'm so jealous.  I didn't take the first picture.  It wasn't for lack of trying though!  As soon as Christen and Jessica got back from church, I shooed them outside to take a picture in their Easter best.  But...  no memory card...  After a trip back inside, insert memory card, shoo the girls BACK outside...   the battery is exhausted...  yeah, so was I!

My brother did happen to get a snapshot of Christen and Jessica...  but of course, it was taken before Christen fixed Jessica's hair...  and he didn't get their shoes in the picture...  brothers...  sigh....   oh well!  They are still cute to me.  :o)

we did make it to two family get togethers and my migraine eventually went away and, you want to know the best part?  I never forgot what Easter is all about.  I may have let my physical ills get the best of me from time to time Sunday, but it always comes back to this: Jesus defied the grave, He rose again.  He's Alive, He's Alive! 

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Versatile Blogger

Remember on my previous post, I mentioned that Miss Rosie from Hello Rosie gave me an award?  Well, this is it:

And I was in some really good company too! 

Thank you, thank you Miss Rosie for passing this award on to me.  And now, to follow along with the duties bestowed upon me I will follow the rules and do these four things:

1. Thank and link to the person who nominated you.

2. Share seven facts about yourself.

3. Pass the award along to 7 bloggy friends.

4. Contact those bloggy friends to congratulate them.

7 facts...  hmmm...   well...  here it goes:

  • I am a Christian.  I'm not perfect, but I don't have to be because my Jesus came to earth, died and rose again for me and you.  I want to learn more and grow more as a Christian.   

  • I became a mother at a very young age.  Pregnant at 17, mother at 18.  I stayed in school, graduated on time and walked with my class during my 8th month of pregnancy.  A little over a month later I had my baby girl.  Only by the grace of God am I able to say I am NOT a statistic. I have a heart for girls who get pregnant young and out of wedlock.  I also have been very open with Christen concerning how she got here.  I never glossed over anything.  I wanted her to know because I pray she will learn from my mistakes. 

  • I love chocolate.  Like, I  I will eat devour chocolate just about any way it's served.  The only exception is if it has fruit in it.  The ONLY two acceptable fruits for chocolate are bananas and strawberries.  I'm actually eating chocolate covered pretzels as I type this entry.  Yes.  I have a problem. 

  • I'm super white.  Freckles, blonde hair, the whole bit.  I don't tan.  I just don't.  I do freckle though, and I'm always hoping I will get just enough sun so that all those freckles will just blend together and I can be tan for once in my life.  I am going to try out the tanning bed in a few days so I can wear a dress to my cousin's wedding in May.  I refuse to wear hose and I really refuse to wear a dress if my bright, white, legs will be showing.  I don't want to blind people! 

  • My favorite color is green.  I love it.  I love to wear it and look at it.  Green is just a sign of life to me.  And it's pretty.  I think it compliments me, with my green eyes and light complexion.  (and check out the award again...  it's GREEN!)

  • I AM going to open up my Etsy shop one of these days.  I was going on my timing before.  And God was just telling me it wasn't the right time.  Too many things just weren't coming together.  But I know I will, it just has to be on His time. 

  • And I know I've already written about her once, but hey, I love my kid!  I LOVE my daughter, Christen.  I think she's just about the best kid ever and I am so excited to see what God has planned for her future.  I was always conscience of the fact that she may have some disadvantages because I was so young when she was born.  God heard me then, he hears me now.  He knows my heart and that I only want her to be happy, safe and healthy.  He has given her so many opportunities to do things that she loves, like play soccer in Sweden and serve on mission trips!  None of the obstacles matter when God is in control. 

Now, to pass along this award to 7 bloggers who I believe are worthy of this award!  Actually, I hate to choose just 7.  I follow a lot of bloggers and I think just about every one of them deserve this award.  But, I'm a rule follower.  (if I were asked to list 8 facts about me, that would have been the 8th one)  So I will only choose 7:

She is just the best. 
I love to read her posts because they are so real and come from such a blessed place. 

She's my blog crush.  I love her art, her values, she's awesome!

She's amazing!  Her love for her kids, those with her and the one yet to come home, is palpable.  I want to be just like her when I grow up.  Seriously.

She comes up with the greatest crafts and makes me wish I had little ones again.  She also helped me with my blog appearance!

I discovered her blog while reading an article written about her in our local newspaper.  She read over 52 books last year!  I'm way behind that number this year, but she makes me want to read even more. 

Her blog was one of the first blogs I read after starting my blog here.  She keeps me coming back because of her humor and her love of every day life.  Oh, and she bakes bread.  Who wouldn't love someone who bakes bread??

Holly @ Pink Lady
I'm new to Holly's blog.  She keeps me coming back because of how she captures everyday moments.  She's also doing a photo challenge and it's neat to see what the new challenge is everyday! 

If you check out the blogs above, and Hello Rosie, you won't be disappointed. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!


Well..  you know things never go as planned in my world. 

I didn't draw a name on Saturday, or Sunday.  I DID draw a name today though. 

5 people commented and those 5 people were put in the "basket".

I put the basket on top of my head (really..  I did!) and pulled a name out of it....

and that name is: 

So, Congrats Miss Rosie!!!   Please send me your contact info to: jodievans2 at gmail dot com and I will get the CD to you soon!

And a big THANK YOU to Miss Rosie, she passed a long an award to me over the weekend.  How sweet is she??!!

So, go over to Miss Rosie at Hello Rosie and congratulate her on her win.  Also, visit the other awesome women who entered the contest and leave them some love:


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bridal Shower to Truck/Tractor Pull (GIVEAWAY Reminder)

I had two "firsts" this past Saturday

I hosted a bridal shower for the first time ever...

and I attended a Truck/Tractor Pull for the first time ever...

Talk about being on two ends of the spectrum! 

I had so much fun...  at both!!

I'm so excited to have Brianne in our family.  She is marrying my cousin, Luke.  He's going into seminary soon.  So many exciting things happening to them. 

I pray the "stuff" of the wedding doesn't start to overwhelm them.

(Brianne is a twin!! She's on the right, her sister is on the left)

My cupcake tower.  I wanted to jazz up the cupcakes a bit more, but the frosting didn't cooperate.

The "spread"...  so much food!!  it was all delicious.  My Aunt, my mother and my grandmother made the majority of the food. 

the punch was one container of lime sherbert and two 2liters of sprite.  Add lemon, lime and strawberries for a great POP!  It was sooooo good!

My aunt made this "towel cake". 

I was very skeptical about the truck/tractor pull, but I do believe I came away from it as a fan. 

I'm a racing girl.  I love the races.  It's a little different, but the atmosphere is basically the same. 

Keys to a great truck/tractor pull??  lots and lots of mud. 

and super LOUD machinery

This guy won his category (I think)...  I was pulling for him b/c of the witness his truck proclaims...  and b/c it's a ford.  :o)

I'm thinking poor Alan needs to change the name of his truck...  name and proclaim it right???  "Constant Sorrow" had a GREAT first run...  but the counter that clocks and records the feet messed up...  so he had to run it again...  didn't do as well the 2nd time around. 

Don't forget... there's still time to enter another first for me..  my first giveway!  go HERE and leave a comment.  I'll be drawing a lucky winner sometime on Saturday and announcing next week. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

It's a Monday Giveaway!!!!

Monday's have a bad rep.  And I must say, this Monday hasn't been very kind to me.  But that's okay. 

I want to help Monday out.  

Give it some love, by giving YOU some love.    :o)

I have a friend and he gave me two CDs.  They are the same CD.  He gave me one on one day and the other on another day.  I opened and listened to the first one he gave me and it was such a blessing.  I want to give away the other one he gave me. 

It's "The Invitation" Narrated by Rick Warren. 

You know Rick Warren right?  author of "The Purpose Driven Life"

Here are some artists you'll hear on this CD: Amy Grant, Pocket Full of Rocks, Casting Crowns. 

And of course a message from Rick Warren. 

Do you want this CD? 

Do you know of someone who needs to hear the message of Jesus? 

If so, please, just leave a comment.  Make sure you link yourself or leave an email in your comment so I can contact you if you win. 

I will print out and then draw a name from a hat/coffee mug/mixing bowl on Saturday.  I'll let you all know who won sometime soon after that!  You all know I don't do much blogging on the weekend. 

**There are two hairline cracks in the case...  I don't believe it has upset the actual quality of the CD.  My case also had a crack in it and the CD worked great.** 

Disclaimer: Rick Warren, LifeWay nor any artist on the CD has compensated me.  This CD was given to my friend and he gave it to me.  I want to share the love of Jesus.  That's all!


So, please comment and come back next week to see if you've won!  :o)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ten on... uh... NINE!

I so didn't follow the rules this month.  But that's okay, right?  I hope so.... 

Here's how it SHOULD work and the idea:

Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments. Then share your beauty with us!

These are pictures from Saturday, April 9th.  We went to Rock Eagle in Eatonton, GA for Christen to compete in the State Air Pistol Competition.  This is the church on the camp grounds.  I'm a sucker for churches. 

 Here she is in action. 

Jessica actin' a fool in front of the church...  

Walking up to the Rock Eagle Effigy...     

The Rock Eagle Effigy view from the tower.   

Saw lots of these little critters...  this one was nice enough to stay still...   

Jess and Brer Rabbit at the Uncle Remus Museum.   Yes, she's giving the rabbit "bunny ears"... 

 My baby girl...  Not sure what she's standing on...  still @ the Uncle Remus Museum. 

We went back to the Rock Eagle Effigy and this is a view from inside the tower.  I love windows. 

Christen making fun of how I pose for pictures. 

All in all, we had a great weekend.  Sunday was not a good day, but that's okay.  That's why I have no pictures for the actual 10th. 

Stay tuned for my first giveaway soon!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Much Better

Yesterday's game was much nicer.  All the way around. 

I was beginning to wonder though...  the other team scored in the 1st 30 seconds of the game.  Christen was not in goal for this game.  Thank goodness.  She would have been done, see ya, thanks for playing, if that ball would have gotten by her that early in the game.  She needed to be out of the goal.  Get her head straight. 

She did get field time though.  And she did her job well. 

The girls won 4-1. 

(watch out ref!)

I felt bad though...

The GK for the other team used to play for us.  She's such a great GK. 

So anytime we got a goal, I would cheer and then say: awwwww

Only 4 games left in the regular season.

Only 1 region game left.

They are tied for 1st place.  They play the other 1st place team on Friday, April 15th.  From my understanding, if our girls win, they will be #1 in the region and go on to the playoffs.  If they lose...  well, I'm not sure what their place will be...  3rd I think (because of points and such that I just don't understand). 

We'll think positive though.  And pray for a good game...... 

..........and pray for a win.....

And yes, it's A-Okay to pray for a win. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Lessons in Losing

Friday's game was a tough one. I can offer up many excuses for why Christen's team lost and all of them would be valid, but would not change the end result.

I guess the sting of loss wouldn't be so painful if things would have been.... (And I'm trying to think of a way to say this w/out it sounding like an excuse) fair.

I keep thinking back to the plays that I saw and the calls that should have been made, and I've talked to other spectators and it's the conclusion we've all come to.

But, there can be lessons the girls should learn from this loss. And below are some I think are important:

• Life is not fair. Things happen that shouldn't and even though you play by the rules, you still may lose to others who don't play by the rules. You should be proud that you don't have to play dirty to win. And truthfully, you should pray for those girls whose coaches and parents applaud and encourage cheating. Those girls need our prayers.

• Just because you easily beat them once, doesn't mean you'll always beat them. Never come onto the field and assume you are good enough to beat the other team without trying. Obviously, they learned something from their loss to us in the last game. Stay on your game.

• Make sure you learn something from the loss. A true winner has lost... a lot. Losses make you stronger as long as you learn from them.

• Turn the hurt and disappointment of this loss into the drive you need to come back stronger than ever.

Over and over in the Bible, you see greatness come after painful losses. The most important one being the pain Jesus had to endure to give us eternal life. Of course, a soccer game cannot even begin to compare what Jesus gave up for us. But just knowing that even though we have to endure the darkness, the light will come in the morning.

Trust in Jesus, girls. Put all your faith in Him and give Him all the glory for every win and every lesson learned in losses.  And with this faith, no matter what your standings are at the end of the season, you will be a winner.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools Day & an "educational" link

I'm not a big prankster.  And I really don't like surprises.  So I'm hoping for a nice, quiet, uneventful day. 

Some things to note for today and tomorrow and whenever else:

Dawn is bringing me the T-Shirts I ordered today.  I can't wait to see them!!  One for me, one for my mom.  It has our school's lazy T on it, with "lady devils" under the "T"...  and on the sleeves it has GK (for Goal Keeper) and Christen's school jersey #: 14.  Just a bit o' bragging.  AND we can wear them during softball too. 

It's soccer time tonight!  The last time they played this team is when Christen got hurt and had to sit out for 2 weeks.  So I'm praying that no one gets hurt tonight and I'm praying that sportsmanship and teamwork is abundant!

Christen's cheering section has the possiblity of being the biggest ever.  So far...  these are the family/friends that may be in the stands for Christen tonight: Me, Jon, Sonya, David, Alison, Cam-Cam, Erin, Renee, Clint.  Wow...  that's a lot.  I'm hoping they can all make it.  My Mom normally comes, but she's out of town this weekend. 

I'm going to start practicing how to make fabric flowers for the Bridal Shower I'm hosting in 3 weeks. (YIKES!!!!  3 WEEKS AWAY!!)  Sorry..  just realized how close it is....

Picture time at church tomorrow for the NEW Church Directory.  I've been going to my Church since about 2005 and I think at that time, the latest directory was about 5yrs old (actually, I went there as a little girl too).  So that tells you we are in desperate need of an updated directory. 

(picture taken from the Church Secretary's FB)

And I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that's not fond of having their picture taken.  To me.... it's just...  when I see myself in the mirror and then see a picture, it's just not the same!  When I see a picture of myself, I think... who IS that??  And why is her face so HUGE??  I have always had these chubby cheeks, even more so now!  But, I have found a way around it.  I don't show a "full smile".  You know....  w/ teeth showing and all.  I'm fine w/ that.  This smile doesn't emphasize my gi-normous cheeks but I'm still smiling.  The problem? 

When people take my picture, they say: SMILE!!!!  Come on, show your teeth!!  COME ON... THAT'S not a SMILE!! 

To me, a big deal is made b/c I'm not smiling they way THEY want me to smile.    Ummm..  no thanks.  This picture will be in the directory for the next 10yrs and I'd rather it be something I'm comfortable with.  Know what I mean?  I know... I know... I should not be worried about how I look, it's in the lines of being vain, but really I'm not.  I just want a decent picture of me for the church directory.  I don't think that's a lot to ask for.   

 See what I mean?  I'm holding a CUTE baby (who, by the way, is obviously NOT impressed w/ me), so I couldn't help but smile!!  And just look...  chubby cheeks (mine, not the baby's) and a double chin (again, mine, not the baby's). 

This picture taken just a couple of weeks after...  Of course, I'm not smiling like I should or will in the Church directory, but note there are no chubby cheeks or double chin. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and that no one fools you today.  But if you do have someone fool you today, I hope you have the chance and opportunity to fool them back.  :o)

Here's the "educational" link.  As you may know, I listen to KLove via my computer.  Today, in KLove's news, they told about a live webcam where you can possibly see little eaglets hatching.  It's live!  And the expected hatch date for the eaglets is today.  So, if you want to have a chance to see them.  Go HERE